Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Day 27,376 page 2

Day 27,376 page 2 by ric Gustafson

" Taste this punch" Colleen Rogers said as she put a spoon into the silver punch bowl. " I want to make sure it is just right".
Ronald Rogers put a little bit into a cup. He tasted it. " It needs a little more sugar".
" Rico, will you put a bowl of cashews and mints on the table please?".
" Ok Mom".
Colleen smiled as she looked around the decorated room. She was happy that the retirement center let them have the party in this room.
David Pickering walked in.
Rico walked up and gave him a hug. " Happy Birthday Grandpa". He smiled. " How does it feel to be old?".
" I'm a young 75".
Many people came to the party.
At one point, David started crying. His late wife Arlene would of enjoyed the party. As the party began to end, he noticed a young man he did not recognize.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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