Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Merry Christmas from the Birds of the Bible Museum page 1

Merry Christmas from the Birds of the Bible Museum page 1 by ric Gustafson

Betty Baker adjusted her name tag. " Claudette". She looked at her best friend and co worker. " Were you able to finish the Christmas decorations?".
" Yes".
A bell rang. Betty smiled. " Here we go". She walked out of the employee lounge. A family of four was standing by the cash register. " Merry Christmas". She smiled. " Welcome to the Birds of the Bible Museum". She smiled again. " Would you like a free tour?".
The young father looked at his wife. " They have a free tour".
The wife smiled. " Sure".
" To begin the tour". She pointed down a hallway. " We'll begin this way".
The parents held onto the hands of two young girls as they followed Betty. They walked down the hallway into an exhibit room. They stopped in front of a large display of a beautiful white bird in flight.
One of the two little girls pointed  and screamed. " Daddy, look at that white bird".
" This is a dove". Betty smiled. " This bird is mentioned several times in the Bible".
The wife raised her hand. " Isn't the dove important as far as the baptism of Jesus?".
" Yes, that is true". Betty grinned. " Jesus came out of the water and the Spirit of God descended on him like a dove".
The other little girl squealed. " That little bird is so pretty".
" Doves are harmless peaceful birds and are symbols of the Holy Spirit".

research help:

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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