Thursday, November 16, 2017

Lydia page 8

Lydia page 8 by ric Gustafson

Eumenes stared at his daughter as he was led into the magistrates office. " Is it done?".
" Yes Father". Lydia grinned. " I did everything exactly as you asked".
The magistrate was a large man with small hands.
Lydia recognized him as one of Dione's friends.
He studied a scroll. " This is a serious charge". He gave Eumenes a stern look. " This is a very serious charge".
Lydia stared at the magistrate. " I am his daughter".
He waved the scroll. " Theft against a Roman citizen".
" He is my Father". Tears began to come down her cheek. " Please be lenient".
" Normally my sentence is hard labor". His voice hesitated. " But after talking to Dione". His voice hesitated again. " My sentence is a flogging".

research help: ' Bread of Angels' by Tessa Afshar

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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