Wednesday, November 29, 2017

the birth of Jesus page 6

the birth of Jesus page 6 by ric Gustafson

Zacharias knew the ritual by heart. He offered a lamb on the Brazen Altar. He washed his hands and feet. Then with coals in one hand and incense in the other, he approached the Altar of Incense to pray.
All of a sudden, an angel appeared. It was Gabriel and Zacharias was fearful. The angel told him not to fear and that God had answered his prayers. He would have a son with Elizabeth and that they would name him John. The angel explained that he would be the forerunner of Jesus.
Zacharias stayed in the Temple longer than usual that day. When Zacharias was skeptical about if the angel was really Gabriel, the angel temporarily made him mute. When people later asked him what had happened, Zacharias could not speak.
Elizabeth did have a son. They named him John.

research help: ' The Birth of Jesus' by Centennial Media

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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