Sunday, November 26, 2017

Day 27,376 page 4

Day 27,376 page 4 by ric Gustafson

David dropped his plate of birthday cake. " What!".
" It's Day 27,376". Pierre pulled a piece of paper from a back pocket. He handed it to David. " Your name is number one on my list to go home today".
" I can't go now". He looked over at his grandson. " It's my birthday today".
" Sorry David".
David noticed his name at the top of the paper.
" I have my orders". He took a bite of his cake. " As a Christian, you knew this day was coming".
" I know". He sighed. " I wasn't expecting today on my birthday".
" Only my boss knows what day that is". He looked around. " Would you like to say goodbye to your family before we go?".
David shook his head yes. He walked over to his grandson and began to talk to him. He pointed at Pierre. Rico began to cry. He gave his grandson a big hug. He walked to Pierre. " I'm ready to go".
They walked out through a side door into the light.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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