Sunday, June 12, 2016

women of the Bible: Priscilla

women of the Bible: Priscilla by ric Gustafson

Priscilla was one of the first converts in Rome. She and her husband Aquila had to relocate to Corinth because of Emperor Claudius. Priscilla, her husband and the Apostle Paul were tent makers by profession. Paul always visited them when he stopped in Corinth.
Paul encouraged the couple to start their ministry in Ephesus. In Ephesus, they encountered a man named Apollos. Apollos proclaimed the name of Jesus in the local synagogue.
Priscilla used her ministry skills to increase God's Kingdom. She simply used the talents and skills that God had given her for his use.
I pray that I can use writing to increase God's Kingdom and for his service.

research help: ' Women of the Bible' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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