Thursday, June 2, 2016

I knew Eva Braun page 6

I knew Eva Braun page 6 by ric Gustafson

Home to Eva was Bavaria. She enjoyed the mountains, the forests, the lakes and green meadows. People greeted each other with ' Gruss Gott' which meant God's greeting. As a young woman, Eva wore the local clothes including a flowered dress and white blouse. Eva's photo albums contained photographs of mountains, waterfalls and meadows.
Adolf Hitler also loved Bavaria. When he needed a quiet retreat, he found one in Berchtesgaden. Hitler like to walk in the nearby woods with Dietrich Eckart. Later, it was Rudolf Hess who walked with him constantly. Hitler was inspired by Bavarian mythology and folk memory. Hitler had a deep passion for composer Wagner. In September of 1923, Wagner's English daughter in law Winifred came to visit. Winifred became a devoted follower of Hitler. In October of 1928, Hitler bought Haus Wachenfeld which later became the Berghof. He asked his widowed half sister Angela Raubal if she would become his cook and housekeeper.
Later, Angela's daughter known as ' Geli' would come to visit.

research help: ' The Lost Life of Eva Braun' by Angela Lambert

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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