Wednesday, June 29, 2016

the fruit of the Spirit page 4

the fruit of the Spirit page 4 by ric Gustafson

Amy walked down the stick strewn driveway. She could feel the cool breeze of the morning. She noticed that her friend Elaine was watering some of her plants. " Morning Elaine".
" Oh hello Amy" her friend replied. She turned off the sprayer. " I thought I would water my plants".
Amy looked around. " It's peaceful out here this morning". She smiled at her friend. " Did your joy come back after the last time we spoke?".
" Yes it did". She took off her flower bed gloves. " Sometimes I have peace in my heart". She stared at her plants. " That's why I enjoy quiet time with my plants".
" Elaine, you can have peace all the time".
" How do I do that?".
Amy smiled. " First, you must know that God is the source of true peace".
Elaine took off her big brimmed hat and wiped sweat from her forehead. " Ok".
" Second, we need to practice peace every day".
Elaine thought for a moment.  " How do I do that?".
Amy hugged her friend. " We need to always act upon our peace and let it rule in our lives".

research help: ' Fruit of the Spirit' by Ron Hembree

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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