Saturday, June 18, 2016

the parade crasher page 1

the parade crasher page 1 by ric Gustafson

I woke up. I felt around for my little tin cup. It was cool out and I knew that it was still early morning. According to my father Timaeus, I had been blind since birth. I have lived in Jericho my entire life. Even though I cannot see, I can hear everything that goes on.
I sit down in the same spot I have my entire life. I beg for food and money. Sometimes somebody will throw in a few coins into my tin cup. It does not happen often enough.
Two voices that I hear are very important to me. Mita owns a fruit cart and parks it next to me. Sometimes she will throw me a piece of fruit and talk. Tila owns a meat cart and parks it on the other side of me. Every once in a while, he will hand me a small piece of meat and then pat me on top of my head.
One morning, I could tell by the voices near me that something different was going on.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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