Monday, June 20, 2016

the fruit of the spirit page 1

the fruit of the spirit page 1 by ric Gustafson

Amy Morrison glanced at her watch and then rang the doorbell. She wanted to make sure she wasn't late. The door opened to reveal a tired young woman with a frazzled look on her face.
" Come on in Amy". She closed the door and then tripped over one of her husband's briefcases. " Ouch" she said loudly. She reached down and rubbed her sore big toe. " I've told that husband of mine a million times to put that briefcase away". She showed her friend into a spacious living room. " Please come in and sit down". Amy sat down in an empty blue sofa chair. " So how is Roger?".
Elaine walked into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. " Same as usual".
Amy glanced at the new wooden entertainment center.
" I never see him because he's working all the time". She brought in a tray of two coffee mugs and put it on a side glass table. " And when he is home, he's always watching TV".
Elaine handed her friend one of the mugs.
" I'm sorry to hear that". She took a sip of the coffee. " Do you still love Roger?".
" Yes". Elaine took a sip of her coffee. " Maybe not like I used to".
Amy put her mug down on the tray. " What do you mean?".
" When we were first married, we did everything together". She thought for a moment. " Now I hardly see him and we don't spend quality time together anymore".
" I'm sorry".
A tear came to Elaine's eye. " I miss that".
" Elaine, have you ever read Galatians 5: 22-23?".

research help: my bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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