Friday, June 24, 2016

the 9/11/2001 miracle page 1

the 9/11/2001 miracle page 1 by ric Gustafson

5:20 am
Mark Calhoun opened the blinds and then looked out the bedroom window.  The sun was already coming up. It was a beautiful morning.
" Mark, you need to hurry up and eat some breakfast".
He could hear his wife Danica making coffee. " If you are going to get to the train station on time".
Mark yawned as he straightened his tie. He was tired because he had to get up early to get on the train on time. He was tired because his job was stressful and the hours were long. He walked downstairs.
Danica Calhoun, wearing a rumpled blue robe, handed him a plate of wheat toast and a cup of coffee.
" Are you concerned about the big meeting today?".
" A little bit". He opened a jar of peanut butter and then put some on some of his toast. " I prayed all night for God's guidance and wisdom". He bit into his toast. " What are you doing today?".
She smiled. " The usual errands".
He took a sip of coffee.
She glanced at the clock on a nearby wall. " How long does it take to get to the train station?".
He took another sip of his coffee. " About twenty minutes".
She smiled again. " You better go".
Mark brushed his teeth, grabbed his briefcase and then kissed his wife.
" Danica, I love you".
" I love you too".

research help: ' Between Heaven and Ground Zero' by Leslie Haskin

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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