Friday, June 17, 2016

the madman of Gadara page 5

the madman of Gadara page 5 by ric Gustafson

The voices in my head had multiplied. The voices were telling me what to do. The voices were telling me that trouble was coming from the Sea. Right after the storm died down, I noticed a small boat coming toward the shore. The voices inside me told me to destroy this man and his friends. A couple of men with oars in their hands jumped out of the boat.
The boat settled on the sand. The voices told me to attack. I ran out of the cave toward them. I shrieked and rattled my chain. The two men lifted their oars to protect the tall bearded man.
The bearded man got out of the boat and quietly walked toward me. The voices inside me shrieked as he came closer.
" Come out of him!".
The voices shrieked again and made me lie face down in the sand.
" What is your name?".
Several voices shrieked at the same time. " Legion".
The bearded man pointed a finger at me. " Again I say come out of him".
A voice shrieked. " Do not send us to the pit we beg you".
Another voice shrieked. " Send us into that herd of pigs".
The bearded man looked at the herd. He nodded.
Hakim the herd keeper was resting near his herd of swine. All of sudden, he heard them begin to squeal and then run toward the edge of the cliff. In horror, he watched as his herd went over the side into the Sea below.
After convulsing, I was very quiet and felt strange.
The bearded man helped me up.
I smiled back. " Can I come follow you?".
Jesus shook his head. " Go back to town and tell people what had just happened to you".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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