Thursday, June 23, 2016

voices from the Titanic: Lawrence Beesley

voices from the Titanic: Lawrence Beesley by ric Gustafson

Lawrence Beesley was born on December 31 1877. He began teaching in 1904 at Wirksworh Grammar School. In 1906, he transferred to Dulwich College as a Science Master.
In 1912, Beesley bought a ticket on the Titanic as a second class passenger. On the night of April 14 1912, he was in Cabin D-56 reading. Like other passengers, he barely noticed that trouble had happened. He walked out of his cabin and was told nothing had happened. He went up to the lifeboats and noticed nothing that troubled him. He went back to his cabin. Later, he went back to the lifeboats and noticed that Lifeboat 13 was loading next to the enclosed screen windows. He entered the lifeboat. Later, the lifeboat cleared other lifeboats and began to row away. Beesley watched as the lights on the great liner went out and then the mighty Titanic sank into the cold water of the Atlantic.
After Beesley returned to New York, he wrote a book titled ' the loss of the SS Titanic'.
Beesley passed away on Feb 14 1967 at the age of 89.

research help: Encyclopedia Titanica

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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