Sunday, June 19, 2016

the parade crasher page 3

the parade crasher page 3 by ric Gustafson

I could feel the noon day sun beat down on me. ' I would love to see' I thought to myself. I would love to see what Tila and Mita look like. I would love to see what Jericho looks like.
" He's coming" Mita yelled. I could hear her move her fruit cart.
I could hear what sounded like a parade going by me. I thought about the Rabbi and the fact that he performs miracles. As I heard them go by, a thought came to mind. I knew that I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. I put my tin cup on the ground. I straightened myself and yelled. " Jesus Son of God". I hesitated. " Have mercy on me".
Mita turned toward me. " Bartimaus, hush up".
Something inside me prompted me to yell louder. " Son of David". I hesitated. " Have mercy on me".
" Bartimaus, be quiet" Tila said in a loud voice. " Now you've done it".
Mita shook me. " Get up Bartimaus, the Rabbi is calling for you".
I slowly got up, threw my tin cup on the ground and began to walk toward the Rabbi's voice. I stopped at the Rabbi's feet.
" What do you want me to do for you?".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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