Wednesday, June 1, 2016

women of the Bible: Hagar

women of the Bible: Hagar by ric Gustafson

Hagar had a son named Ishmael. Sarah had a son named Isaac. The father of both boys was Abraham. As the sons grew older, it became a blended family. One day, Sarah caught Ishmael playing with Isaac. Sarah pleaded with her husband to send Hagar and her son into the desert. Abraham prayed and then honored her wish. They were given bread and water and then sent away.
When their provisions ran out, it looked bleak for the two of them. Hagar prayed to God for help. God provided water so they could survive.
God listens to our prayers and provides for everything that we need.

research help: ' Women of the Bible' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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