Tuesday, June 21, 2016

the tombs of the Apostles: Hakeldama ' the Field of Blood

the tombs of the Apostles: Hakeldama ' the Field of Blood' by ric Gustafson

Around Jerusalem are two valleys, Kidron and Hinnom. To the south is the Kidron Valley. To the east is the Hinnom Valley. The Hinnom Valley begins on the western side of the Old City and then turns along the base of Mount Zion. The Valley started in a sinister way. According to II Kings, the Valley was used as a place for human offerings to Canaanite gods. It was nicknamed  ' the Valley of Slaughter'. Later, it was used as a place to dump things unclean. Even unclean bodies were burned there.
In Greek, Hinnom became Gehenna. This name was used several times in the New Testament. Jesus referred to Gehenna as the ' unquenchable fire'. The Hinnom Valley was compared literally and figuratively to Hell.
From Hakeldama, one can see a barren area. There is a dead tree in the middle of a clearing. From this barren spot, one can see the Mount of Olives. Only the Book of Acts and the Gospel of Matthew mention ' the field of blood'.
It has been written that the story of Judas Iscariot is the most tragic story in all the Bible.

research help: ' Apostle' by Tom Bissell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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