Wednesday, June 15, 2016

30 days: starting the dash

30 days: starting the dash by ric Gustafson

Our time on this earth is limited. With each tick of the clock, a moment of time is gone. If you only had 30 days to live, how would you spend your time?. Would you spend it different?. On a tombstone is the date you were born. How would you spend your time in the dash in between your start and end date.
Some things in life we do not have control over. Who are parents are? or where we are born?. Most important, we do not know when our time here is done. Only God knows. Our lives are in his hands. The question is how will we spend our time here now?. God has placed eternity in our hearts. The challenge is to live each day as if you only have 30 days to live. Can you?. Can I?.

research help: ' One Month to Live' by Kerry and Chris Shook

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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