Thursday, June 30, 2016

Pilate page 1

Pilate page 1 by ric Gustafson

Vitus carried Lucius through the front door.
" My Lucius" Claudia screamed. " No!".
Vitus laid him on a couch.
She knelt down and cradled her husband's face. It was pale in death. " What happened?".
" My Lady, I found him at the edge of a field".
Claudia began to sob in grief. " Vitus, how did he die?".
" I don't know my Lady". He pointed at the body. " There was no wound on him".
Claudia shook her head. " He would not take poison".
Vitus shook his head. " Why would he do this?".
Memories began to form in Claudia's mind. " I will tell you".

research help: ' Claudia, wife of Pontius Pilate' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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