Tuesday, June 14, 2016

voices from the Titanic: Rhoda Abbott

voices from the Titanic: Rhoda Abbott by ric Gustafson

Rhoda Mary Hunt was born in Aylesbury Buckinghamshire on January 14 1873. She and her family moved to the US in 1894. The family settled in Providence Rhode Island. In 1895, Rhoda married Stanton Abbott. The couple had two children, Rossmore and Eugene.
In 1911, Rhoda divorced her husband and returned to England with her sons. They were not happy there. Rhoda booked a return trip on the Titanic. They boarded the giant liner as third class passengers.
On the night of April 14 1912, the family was asleep when it struck an iceberg. A steward told them to put on life jackets and to follow him. They and other third class passengers ended up in the 2nd Class Saloon. They were led to Lifeboat Collapsible C. It was being loaded around 2:00 am. When she found out her sons could not get on, she refused to board also. When the ship sank, Rhoda and her sons were swept into the water. Her sons slipped away from her and drowned. Rhoda was able to get on Collapsible Lifeboat A. Only thirteen people survived that cold night on that Lifeboat.
Rhoda Abbott married George Charles Williamson on December 16 1912. Her husband died in 1938. Rhoda Abbott died in London England in 1946 at the age of 73.

research help: Wikipedia. org

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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