Thursday, June 16, 2016

30 days: the roller coaster

30 days: the roller coaster by ric Gustafson

Life here on earth is like a roller coaster. We just get started in life and then it's over. We are born and then one day we die. Some people say someday I will do this or that. The fact is someday is here and now.
God did not design us to stand by and watch life pass us by. We were created to take risks in faith. The world says don't stand out and don't be different. God calls us to a life of faith living every moment for him. Life is unpredictable and you do not know what's coming next. God is in total control of your life.
Everyday, God wants us to experience the ride of our life.

research help: ' One Month to Live' by Kerry and Chris Shook

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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