Saturday, June 25, 2016

the 9/ 11/ 2001 miracle page 2

the 9/11/ 2001 miracle page 2 by ric Gustafson

6:25 am
Mark sat down and took his bible out of his briefcase. He yawned as he opened it to the book of Psalms. It took two trains to get to his office. He looked around to see a lot of the same regular commuters. He yawned again as he began to read from Psalm 10. The first verse of the Psalm, King David asked the Lord why he stands far off. The ride was uneventful and boring. He noticed that some of the commuters sat in the middle of the train car. They do not want to miss anything. Some commuters like himself like to sit apart from the others. They like to just watch. Mark read the rest of verse 1. It said why do you hide yourself in times of trouble. After a while, Mark put his bible down. He closed his eyes. To Mark, commuting time was quiet time. He glanced at his watch and hoped that he would make his second train on time.

research help: Life Application Bible, ' Between Heaven and Ground Zero' by Leslie Haskin

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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