Thursday, June 30, 2016

Pilate page 1

Pilate page 1 by ric Gustafson

Vitus carried Lucius through the front door.
" My Lucius" Claudia screamed. " No!".
Vitus laid him on a couch.
She knelt down and cradled her husband's face. It was pale in death. " What happened?".
" My Lady, I found him at the edge of a field".
Claudia began to sob in grief. " Vitus, how did he die?".
" I don't know my Lady". He pointed at the body. " There was no wound on him".
Claudia shook her head. " He would not take poison".
Vitus shook his head. " Why would he do this?".
Memories began to form in Claudia's mind. " I will tell you".

research help: ' Claudia, wife of Pontius Pilate' by Diana Wallis Taylor

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

the fruit of the Spirit page 4

the fruit of the Spirit page 4 by ric Gustafson

Amy walked down the stick strewn driveway. She could feel the cool breeze of the morning. She noticed that her friend Elaine was watering some of her plants. " Morning Elaine".
" Oh hello Amy" her friend replied. She turned off the sprayer. " I thought I would water my plants".
Amy looked around. " It's peaceful out here this morning". She smiled at her friend. " Did your joy come back after the last time we spoke?".
" Yes it did". She took off her flower bed gloves. " Sometimes I have peace in my heart". She stared at her plants. " That's why I enjoy quiet time with my plants".
" Elaine, you can have peace all the time".
" How do I do that?".
Amy smiled. " First, you must know that God is the source of true peace".
Elaine took off her big brimmed hat and wiped sweat from her forehead. " Ok".
" Second, we need to practice peace every day".
Elaine thought for a moment.  " How do I do that?".
Amy hugged her friend. " We need to always act upon our peace and let it rule in our lives".

research help: ' Fruit of the Spirit' by Ron Hembree

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

tombs of the Apostles: Saint Thomas Basilica

tombs of the Apostles: Saint Thomas Basilica by ric Gustafson

The Apostle known as Thomas appears on all the New Testament lists. Thomas in Greek means ' twin'. The most famous incident involving this Apostle gave him his nickname. The first time Jesus comes to his full group of followers after his resurrection, Thomas was not there. When they told Thomas that they had seen the Lord, he did not believe them. Thomas said he would not believe until he saw his nail scarred hands and put his fist into his side. A week later, Jesus comes again to the group and this time Thomas is with them. Jesus told him not to doubt but believe. He said blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.
In Chennai India is Saint Thomas's Basilica. Eight miles away is St Thomas's Mount. It is believed that the Apostle was martyred there. Chennai also called Madras was the fourth largest city in India. One theory is that Thomas landed on an island off the coast of Malabar. Then he stopped in Mylapore which is now Chennai. He oversaw the beginning of seven Christian communities and their growth. It is believed that he was martyred by angry Brahmans. Beyond the Gothic cathedral of the Basilica was the shrine of Thomas. Inside the Basilica were white walls and ceilings. There were fourteen stations of the cross. The shrine was of a bald spear carrying Thomas. The Apostle was kept in a glass case near the back with a cloth draped over it.

research help: ' Apostle' by Tom Bissell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 27, 2016

tombs of the Apostles: Saint Andrew

tombs of the Apostles: Saint Andrew by ric Gustafson

When you enter Patras Greece, the main thoroughfare is called the Agios Andreou. It is also the name of the church where an x shape cross lights up the sky. This is known as Saint Andrew's cross.
According to the book of John, Andrew was the first called of the Twelve. He brought Peter into Jesus's circle. The book of John talks about Andrew more than the other three Gospels. Andrew is not part of Jesus's inner circle despite being Peter's brother. It is Andrew who spots the boy with the barley loaves and fish to feed the five thousand. In Saint Andrew's Square is three building. The first is Saint Andrew's Church. A new four story building and the new Saint Andrew's Church.
Inside Old Saint Andrew's Church is the Well of Andrew. On this spot it has been written that the Apostle was crucified on an X shaped cross.

research help: ' Apostle' by Tom Bissell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, June 26, 2016

the 9/11/2001 miracle page 3

the 9/11/2001 miracle page 3 by ric Gustafson

8:00 am
Mark walked into the Hoboken train terminal. He glanced at his watch. Then he began to run so he could get onto the PATH train. The train connected with the New York subway. That subway went into the subfloors of the World Trade Center.
Mark's office was on the 37th floor of the North Tower. This Tower was know as Tower One. This last train ride was crowded, late and smelly. This morning's train was full as usual. Mark was able to get on right before the door closed. It was a short ride. Mark watched as pushers pushed in order to get a seat.
It was only 15 minutes to the North Tower.

research help: ' Between Heaven and Ground Zero' by Leslie Haskin

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, June 25, 2016

the 9/ 11/ 2001 miracle page 2

the 9/11/ 2001 miracle page 2 by ric Gustafson

6:25 am
Mark sat down and took his bible out of his briefcase. He yawned as he opened it to the book of Psalms. It took two trains to get to his office. He looked around to see a lot of the same regular commuters. He yawned again as he began to read from Psalm 10. The first verse of the Psalm, King David asked the Lord why he stands far off. The ride was uneventful and boring. He noticed that some of the commuters sat in the middle of the train car. They do not want to miss anything. Some commuters like himself like to sit apart from the others. They like to just watch. Mark read the rest of verse 1. It said why do you hide yourself in times of trouble. After a while, Mark put his bible down. He closed his eyes. To Mark, commuting time was quiet time. He glanced at his watch and hoped that he would make his second train on time.

research help: Life Application Bible, ' Between Heaven and Ground Zero' by Leslie Haskin

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, June 24, 2016

the 9/11/2001 miracle page 1

the 9/11/2001 miracle page 1 by ric Gustafson

5:20 am
Mark Calhoun opened the blinds and then looked out the bedroom window.  The sun was already coming up. It was a beautiful morning.
" Mark, you need to hurry up and eat some breakfast".
He could hear his wife Danica making coffee. " If you are going to get to the train station on time".
Mark yawned as he straightened his tie. He was tired because he had to get up early to get on the train on time. He was tired because his job was stressful and the hours were long. He walked downstairs.
Danica Calhoun, wearing a rumpled blue robe, handed him a plate of wheat toast and a cup of coffee.
" Are you concerned about the big meeting today?".
" A little bit". He opened a jar of peanut butter and then put some on some of his toast. " I prayed all night for God's guidance and wisdom". He bit into his toast. " What are you doing today?".
She smiled. " The usual errands".
He took a sip of coffee.
She glanced at the clock on a nearby wall. " How long does it take to get to the train station?".
He took another sip of his coffee. " About twenty minutes".
She smiled again. " You better go".
Mark brushed his teeth, grabbed his briefcase and then kissed his wife.
" Danica, I love you".
" I love you too".

research help: ' Between Heaven and Ground Zero' by Leslie Haskin

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

tombs of the Apostles: Saint Peter's Basilica

tombs of the Apostles: Saint Peter's Basilica by ric Gustafson

In what was known as the Vatican Field, is a blue gray colossus. This piazza is known as Saint Peter's Basilica. The piazza has two fountains and two colonnades. The piazza was the last part of the Vatican to be completed.
He was called the Prince of the Apostles. In the New Testament he went by six different names. Jesus gave him the name Peter the Rock. Peter was a contrast. Jesus addresses him more often than any of the other Apostles. He is also condemned more harshly than any of the other Apostles. Peter is the only Apostle to rebuke Jesus to his face. He was one of the first called disciples of Jesus. It is believed that Peter was buried in a ditch on the Vatican hillside. On July 19 in the year 64, a huge fire destroyed thirteen of Rome's seventeen regions. In Nero's mind, the Christians caused this disaster to happen. According to tradition, Peter was arrested by Nero and kept in Mamertine Prison. Both Peter and Paul, according to tradition, were martyred the same day.

research help: ' Apostle' by Tom Bissell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 23, 2016

voices from the Titanic: Lawrence Beesley

voices from the Titanic: Lawrence Beesley by ric Gustafson

Lawrence Beesley was born on December 31 1877. He began teaching in 1904 at Wirksworh Grammar School. In 1906, he transferred to Dulwich College as a Science Master.
In 1912, Beesley bought a ticket on the Titanic as a second class passenger. On the night of April 14 1912, he was in Cabin D-56 reading. Like other passengers, he barely noticed that trouble had happened. He walked out of his cabin and was told nothing had happened. He went up to the lifeboats and noticed nothing that troubled him. He went back to his cabin. Later, he went back to the lifeboats and noticed that Lifeboat 13 was loading next to the enclosed screen windows. He entered the lifeboat. Later, the lifeboat cleared other lifeboats and began to row away. Beesley watched as the lights on the great liner went out and then the mighty Titanic sank into the cold water of the Atlantic.
After Beesley returned to New York, he wrote a book titled ' the loss of the SS Titanic'.
Beesley passed away on Feb 14 1967 at the age of 89.

research help: Encyclopedia Titanica

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

the fruit of the spirit page 3

the fruit of the spirit page 3 by ric Gustafson

Amy rang the doorbell. She noticed that the yard was not being kept up like it usually was.
Her friend's voice yelled from inside. " Come in".
She walked in to notice her friend running down the stairs to the basement with a basket of dirty clothes.
" Amy, come in" Elaine replied as she turned on the laundry room light. " Come downstairs and we'll talk".
Amy walked down some creaky wooden stairs to a small room. There her friend was putting dark clothes into a washer. " Elaine, what's happened since the last time we spoke?".
" Well" she replied as she took whites out of the basket and put them into a pile. " I believe that the love in our marriage has come back".
Amy smiled. " That's good".
She put soap into the washer and turned it on. " But right now I don't feel joyful about anything".
Elaine sighed. " For the past week, I haven't felt joyful to do much of anything". She sighed again. " It took a lot of effort even to do this laundry".
" Elaine, you should be joyful already".
" What do you mean?".
Amy smiled. " Because you are a Christian". Her voice hesitated. " You should be joyful".
" Why?".
" Because Jesus saved you and you are his forever".
" That's true". She grinned as she watched the washer. " I had forgotten about that".
" Because of the Holy Spirit  in us" Amy said with a smile. " The seed of joy is also in us".
Elaine frowned. " Sometimes I am joyful and sometimes I am not".
" Your joy will increase". She hugged Elaine. " And the joy in your marriage will increase too".
Elaine grinned. " That's good".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

tombs of the Apostles: Saint Bartholomew

tombs of the Apostles: Saint Bartholomew by ric Gustafson

Along the Tiber River, you get a good view of the city of Rome. In the middle of the River, is an unassuming Island. The Island is diamonded shaped and rounded. Tiber Island was designed to look like a Roman warship. Two bridges connect the Island to Rome. The bridges date back to the first century. One of the Apostle's resting place is on Tiber Island.
The Apostle Bartholomew is only mentioned four times in the New Testament. It is believed that Bartholomew came from a noble family. Nathanael and Bartholomew are mentioned together. It is possible that the two are the same person. Nathanael is mentioned twice in God's Word. The church at San Bartolomeo All Isola. The church piazza is popular with people enjoying coffee. On the Island is a statue of the Apostle. A myth had started that the Apostle had traveled to India to evangelize. It was written that Bartholomew was at the center of the sacred number twelve.

research help: ' Apostle' by Tom Bissell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

the tombs of the Apostles: Hakeldama ' the Field of Blood

the tombs of the Apostles: Hakeldama ' the Field of Blood' by ric Gustafson

Around Jerusalem are two valleys, Kidron and Hinnom. To the south is the Kidron Valley. To the east is the Hinnom Valley. The Hinnom Valley begins on the western side of the Old City and then turns along the base of Mount Zion. The Valley started in a sinister way. According to II Kings, the Valley was used as a place for human offerings to Canaanite gods. It was nicknamed  ' the Valley of Slaughter'. Later, it was used as a place to dump things unclean. Even unclean bodies were burned there.
In Greek, Hinnom became Gehenna. This name was used several times in the New Testament. Jesus referred to Gehenna as the ' unquenchable fire'. The Hinnom Valley was compared literally and figuratively to Hell.
From Hakeldama, one can see a barren area. There is a dead tree in the middle of a clearing. From this barren spot, one can see the Mount of Olives. Only the Book of Acts and the Gospel of Matthew mention ' the field of blood'.
It has been written that the story of Judas Iscariot is the most tragic story in all the Bible.

research help: ' Apostle' by Tom Bissell

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the fruit of the spirit page 2

the fruit of the spirit page 2 by ric Gustafson

" Not for a long time" Elaine replied with a sigh as she drank from her coffee cup. " What does it say?".
Amy took a small green bible out of her purse. She opened it to Galatians 5: 22-23. " Elaine, do you know what the fruit of the spirit is?".
" No!".
She explained to her the nine aspects. " Do you know what the number one aspect is?".
" No, I don't".
" Love". She smiled at her friend. " You told me you wanted your love for your husband to get stronger".
She took the now empty coffee cups back into the kitchen. " That's true I do". She rinsed them off and put them into the dishwasher. " I would like that more than anything else".
" In order to love others, we must realize that God loves us very deeply".
A tear came to Elaine's eye. " I want to feel and understand his love".
" We also need to think loving thoughts".
Another tear came to Elaine's eye. " Sometimes that's hard to do".
Amy walked into the kitchen and hugged her friend. " We need to always act in a loving way".
" I will try".
" Let me know what happens".

research help: my bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 20, 2016

the fruit of the spirit page 1

the fruit of the spirit page 1 by ric Gustafson

Amy Morrison glanced at her watch and then rang the doorbell. She wanted to make sure she wasn't late. The door opened to reveal a tired young woman with a frazzled look on her face.
" Come on in Amy". She closed the door and then tripped over one of her husband's briefcases. " Ouch" she said loudly. She reached down and rubbed her sore big toe. " I've told that husband of mine a million times to put that briefcase away". She showed her friend into a spacious living room. " Please come in and sit down". Amy sat down in an empty blue sofa chair. " So how is Roger?".
Elaine walked into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. " Same as usual".
Amy glanced at the new wooden entertainment center.
" I never see him because he's working all the time". She brought in a tray of two coffee mugs and put it on a side glass table. " And when he is home, he's always watching TV".
Elaine handed her friend one of the mugs.
" I'm sorry to hear that". She took a sip of the coffee. " Do you still love Roger?".
" Yes". Elaine took a sip of her coffee. " Maybe not like I used to".
Amy put her mug down on the tray. " What do you mean?".
" When we were first married, we did everything together". She thought for a moment. " Now I hardly see him and we don't spend quality time together anymore".
" I'm sorry".
A tear came to Elaine's eye. " I miss that".
" Elaine, have you ever read Galatians 5: 22-23?".

research help: my bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the parade crasher page 4

the parade crasher page 4 by ric Gustafson

I said to Jesus " Rabbi, I want to see". I felt warm hands on my eyes. And then I felt warm heat on them.
Jesus took his hands away. " Open them".
I slowly opened them. The warmth of the noon sun made me close them right away. I opened them again. I noticed a young bearded man giving me a big smile.
" Praise God" I yelled. I looked to my side to see Tila and Mita waving at me.
Jesus looked at me. " Go, your faith has healed you". He turned and began to walk away with his followers.
I followed Jesus out of the city entrance singing praises at the top of my lungs. Goodbye Jericho, my life had changed forever.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, June 19, 2016

the parade crasher page 3

the parade crasher page 3 by ric Gustafson

I could feel the noon day sun beat down on me. ' I would love to see' I thought to myself. I would love to see what Tila and Mita look like. I would love to see what Jericho looks like.
" He's coming" Mita yelled. I could hear her move her fruit cart.
I could hear what sounded like a parade going by me. I thought about the Rabbi and the fact that he performs miracles. As I heard them go by, a thought came to mind. I knew that I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. I put my tin cup on the ground. I straightened myself and yelled. " Jesus Son of God". I hesitated. " Have mercy on me".
Mita turned toward me. " Bartimaus, hush up".
Something inside me prompted me to yell louder. " Son of David". I hesitated. " Have mercy on me".
" Bartimaus, be quiet" Tila said in a loud voice. " Now you've done it".
Mita shook me. " Get up Bartimaus, the Rabbi is calling for you".
I slowly got up, threw my tin cup on the ground and began to walk toward the Rabbi's voice. I stopped at the Rabbi's feet.
" What do you want me to do for you?".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, June 18, 2016

the parade crasher page 2

the parade crasher page 2 by ric Gustafson

I could tell by the voices going by me that something grand and unusual was approaching. I heard people jumping, shouting and running by me. " What's going on Mita?".
" I don't know" she replied. I heard people coming up to her fruit cart.
" What's going on Tila?". I wiped the noon day sweat from my forehead.
" I've been hearing from customers that the Rabbi from Galilee and his followers are trying to get through town".
" Who's the Rabbi from Galilee?".
" I've heard he's performed miracles and preaches that the Kingdom of God is at hand".
I heard people shouting and voices getting closer.
Then I heard Tila shout. " He's coming".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the parade crasher page 1

the parade crasher page 1 by ric Gustafson

I woke up. I felt around for my little tin cup. It was cool out and I knew that it was still early morning. According to my father Timaeus, I had been blind since birth. I have lived in Jericho my entire life. Even though I cannot see, I can hear everything that goes on.
I sit down in the same spot I have my entire life. I beg for food and money. Sometimes somebody will throw in a few coins into my tin cup. It does not happen often enough.
Two voices that I hear are very important to me. Mita owns a fruit cart and parks it next to me. Sometimes she will throw me a piece of fruit and talk. Tila owns a meat cart and parks it on the other side of me. Every once in a while, he will hand me a small piece of meat and then pat me on top of my head.
One morning, I could tell by the voices near me that something different was going on.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the madman of Gadara page 6

the madman of Gadara page 6 by ric Gustafson

Hakim used his staff to keep his swine herd in one place. He was located in a good fertile place with a cliff on one side and the Sea on another. He stared across the field toward the caves. There was a rumor of a madman living there.
One day, he could sense that a big storm was brewing on the Sea. His swine herd was acting different and the Sea was getting more choppy. Then the storm came very quickly. Just as quickly it also stopped. Then, he noticed a small boat approaching the shore. The boat stopped in the beach sand. Two men with oars jumped out. Just then, the madman ran out of a cave and ran toward the boat. He was moaning and rattling a huge chain. The two men raised their oars to defend themselves.
Then, a tall bearded man quietly got out of the boat. He stopped in front of the madman.
I heard a strange voice come out of the madman. " What business do you have with me, Jesus the Son of God".
Jesus pointed a finger at the madman. " Come out of him".
The madman fell flat on his face in the sand.
Jesus stared at him with compassion in his eyes. " What is your name?".
A strange voice came out of the madman's mouth. " Legion".
Hakim heard another strange voice come out of the madman. " Don't send us away". Then a hesitation. " Send us into that swine herd instead".
Jesus glanced over at Hakim's herd. " Go".
Just then, Hakim heard a squeal coming from his herd. He jumped up from the ground to see his herd rushing for the edge of the cliff. He watched in horror as he herd went over the edge into the Sea below. He stopped at the edge, looked below and knew that they had drowned.
Horrified, Hakim ran as fast as he could back to town.

The End

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, June 17, 2016

voices from the Titanic: Olaus Jorgensen Abelseth

voices from the Titanic: Olaus Jorgensen Abelseth by ric Gustafson

Olaus Jorgensen Abelseth was born in Orskog Norway in June of 1886. He worked as a sailor and a casual laborer. In 1902 or 1903, He moved to the US and lived in North Dakota. In 1911, he decided to return to visit relatives in Norway. In April of 1912, he booked a ticket on the Titanic. He boarded the giant liner with five others from Norway. He and friends shared a cabin toward the bow of F Deck.
When the liner struck the iceberg, Abelseth and others made their way to the Well Aft Deck. By the time he got to the Boat Deck, all the lifeboats were gone. Olaus jumped into the water as the mighty ship went down. He swam in the icy water for twenty minutes as other people were drowning all around him. Eventually, he was able to get on Collapsible A. He was saved.
In July of 1915, he married Anna Grinde. They had two children. Anna passed away in August of 1978. Olaus Jorgensen Abelseth passed away in December of 1980.

research help:

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the madman of Gadara page 5

the madman of Gadara page 5 by ric Gustafson

The voices in my head had multiplied. The voices were telling me what to do. The voices were telling me that trouble was coming from the Sea. Right after the storm died down, I noticed a small boat coming toward the shore. The voices inside me told me to destroy this man and his friends. A couple of men with oars in their hands jumped out of the boat.
The boat settled on the sand. The voices told me to attack. I ran out of the cave toward them. I shrieked and rattled my chain. The two men lifted their oars to protect the tall bearded man.
The bearded man got out of the boat and quietly walked toward me. The voices inside me shrieked as he came closer.
" Come out of him!".
The voices shrieked again and made me lie face down in the sand.
" What is your name?".
Several voices shrieked at the same time. " Legion".
The bearded man pointed a finger at me. " Again I say come out of him".
A voice shrieked. " Do not send us to the pit we beg you".
Another voice shrieked. " Send us into that herd of pigs".
The bearded man looked at the herd. He nodded.
Hakim the herd keeper was resting near his herd of swine. All of sudden, he heard them begin to squeal and then run toward the edge of the cliff. In horror, he watched as his herd went over the side into the Sea below.
After convulsing, I was very quiet and felt strange.
The bearded man helped me up.
I smiled back. " Can I come follow you?".
Jesus shook his head. " Go back to town and tell people what had just happened to you".

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

30 days: Time

30 days: Time by ric Gustafson

Time is an interesting thing. We all get the same amount every day. Some people waste a lot of it. We work, have good intentions and hopefully have good time management skills. We cannot reclaim time. Once it is gone, it is gone forever. But we can use the time we have left wisely.
God wants us to relax and enjoy life. God wants us to slow down and enjoy our time here. We were created by God to rest and enjoy his beauty. God does not want us to be slaves to time. We were created to be active and present in the life we were given. Make the most of your remaining time.

research help: ' One Month to Live' by Kerry and Chris Shook

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 16, 2016

30 days: the roller coaster

30 days: the roller coaster by ric Gustafson

Life here on earth is like a roller coaster. We just get started in life and then it's over. We are born and then one day we die. Some people say someday I will do this or that. The fact is someday is here and now.
God did not design us to stand by and watch life pass us by. We were created to take risks in faith. The world says don't stand out and don't be different. God calls us to a life of faith living every moment for him. Life is unpredictable and you do not know what's coming next. God is in total control of your life.
Everyday, God wants us to experience the ride of our life.

research help: ' One Month to Live' by Kerry and Chris Shook

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the madman of Gadara page 4

the madman of Gadara page 4 by ric Gustafson

I sat under a tree and waited for someone to approach me. I'm not as famous or infamous as I used to be. It's been a long time since the incident happened. When people come up to me and ask if I was the madman, I just nod my head and say yes.
When the young bearded man and his friends came in their boat, the voices began telling me to do whatever I had to do to keep them away. The voices knew that they were coming. These voices had control over me for most of my life. The voices constantly told me that I was no good and not worth of anything.
At one point, the voices began to multiply. The voices made me violent and I began to scare the townspeople. I was given the name ' the madman of Gadara' and I had to leave town. I retreated to the caves and the voices kept multiplying. I began wearing animal clothing and have wild un kept hair. I began wearing a huge chain around me that rattled. I began to shriek like a ghost. People heard me moaning and avoided going near the caves.
One night, a violent storm arose on the Sea. I retreated to one of the caves for protection.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

the madman of Gadara page 3

the madman of Gadara page 3 by ric Gustafson

The Teacher woke up and looked around. He slowly stood up and stretched out his arms. He spoke out in a loud voice. " Quiet, settle down". The wind and the Sea calmed down. The Teacher turned and pointed a finger at us. " Don't you have any faith at all".
All of us were amazed that the wind, rain and the Sea obeyed him.
We rowed into the sand of Gadara. Myself and another follower jumped out of the boat to pull it in. As we were doing this, what looked like a madman ran toward us. He was rattling a huge chain that was around him. We lifted oars to defend ourselves. We were ready to defend the Teacher.
The madman fell onto his knees in front of the Teacher. A strange voice came out of his mouth. " What business do you have here Jesus Son of God?".
Jesus stared at the man. " What is your name?".
" Legion".
" Come out of him".
" Please don't send us away". A strange voice shrieked from his mouth. " Send us into that herd of swine".
Jesus stared at the pigs. He nodded his ok.
The demons entered the swine. The whole herd went over the cliff and drowned in the Sea below.
Somebody helped the madman get up. He began to talk in a normal voice.
" Teacher, can I join your group?".
Jesus smiled and hugged him. He instructed him to stay and tell everyone what had just happened to him.

research help: original story

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

30 days: starting the dash

30 days: starting the dash by ric Gustafson

Our time on this earth is limited. With each tick of the clock, a moment of time is gone. If you only had 30 days to live, how would you spend your time?. Would you spend it different?. On a tombstone is the date you were born. How would you spend your time in the dash in between your start and end date.
Some things in life we do not have control over. Who are parents are? or where we are born?. Most important, we do not know when our time here is done. Only God knows. Our lives are in his hands. The question is how will we spend our time here now?. God has placed eternity in our hearts. The challenge is to live each day as if you only have 30 days to live. Can you?. Can I?.

research help: ' One Month to Live' by Kerry and Chris Shook

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

voices from the Titanic: Rhoda Abbott

voices from the Titanic: Rhoda Abbott by ric Gustafson

Rhoda Mary Hunt was born in Aylesbury Buckinghamshire on January 14 1873. She and her family moved to the US in 1894. The family settled in Providence Rhode Island. In 1895, Rhoda married Stanton Abbott. The couple had two children, Rossmore and Eugene.
In 1911, Rhoda divorced her husband and returned to England with her sons. They were not happy there. Rhoda booked a return trip on the Titanic. They boarded the giant liner as third class passengers.
On the night of April 14 1912, the family was asleep when it struck an iceberg. A steward told them to put on life jackets and to follow him. They and other third class passengers ended up in the 2nd Class Saloon. They were led to Lifeboat Collapsible C. It was being loaded around 2:00 am. When she found out her sons could not get on, she refused to board also. When the ship sank, Rhoda and her sons were swept into the water. Her sons slipped away from her and drowned. Rhoda was able to get on Collapsible Lifeboat A. Only thirteen people survived that cold night on that Lifeboat.
Rhoda Abbott married George Charles Williamson on December 16 1912. Her husband died in 1938. Rhoda Abbott died in London England in 1946 at the age of 73.

research help: Wikipedia. org

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

women of the Bible: Lois

women of the Bible: Lois by ric Gustafson

Timothy was a young pastor who became a protégé of the Apostle Paul. Timothy's mother was Eunice and his grandmother's name was Lois. Both of these Christian women passed on deep and abiding faith to the young pastor. These two women molded Timothy into a spiritual leader.
Timothy was able to make a difference because these two women made a difference in his life. We must ask ourselves who inspires us?. Who has shown me what it means to be a Christian?.
I pray that I can encourage, instruct and inspire others for Jesus whom I love.

The End

research help: ' Women of the Bible' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 13, 2016

Batman: Ben Affleck

Batman: Ben Affleck by ric Gustafson

In August of 2013, actor Ben Affleck got the call that he was to be the next Caped Crusader. Batman fans were outraged and expressed their feelings on social media. The actor took the furor in stride. The studio and director Zack Snyder were behind Affleck all the way. Affleck had the Batman looks and the actor had won two Oscars.
Affleck started acting at age 7. A good friend of his was actor Matt Damon. The two studied drama together in school. Damon and Affleck won an Oscar for the film ' Good Will Hunting'. Affleck had two children with actress Jennifer Garner. They are now separated.

The End

research help: ' Batman the 50th anniversary' by Harris Classics

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Batman: Christian Bale

Batman: Christian Bale by ric Gustafson

Eight years after ' Batman and Robin', director Christopher Nolan was given the chance to do ' Batman Begins'. Warner Bros wanted a more realistic and darker Caped Crusader. The first thing was to find a new Caped Crusader. A huge crop of actors auditioned for the role.
One of the actors was a six foot scrawny man named Christian Bale. He did not look like a superhero. He did not have the voice of a superhero. He thought to himself that he had blown the audition. Nolan thought that Bale had the qualities to be Bruce Wayne.
Bale began acting at a young age. He began acting in plays in London's West End. Bale had to gain sixty pounds in just a few months. He did this by being on a high carb diet and a hard exercise program.
' Batman Begins' was released on June 15 2005. The film did well at the box office and got rave reviews. Bale married Sandra Blazic in 2000. Together they had a son and daughter.

research help: ' Batman the 50th anniversary' by Time Home Entertainmant

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, June 12, 2016

women of the Bible: Priscilla

women of the Bible: Priscilla by ric Gustafson

Priscilla was one of the first converts in Rome. She and her husband Aquila had to relocate to Corinth because of Emperor Claudius. Priscilla, her husband and the Apostle Paul were tent makers by profession. Paul always visited them when he stopped in Corinth.
Paul encouraged the couple to start their ministry in Ephesus. In Ephesus, they encountered a man named Apollos. Apollos proclaimed the name of Jesus in the local synagogue.
Priscilla used her ministry skills to increase God's Kingdom. She simply used the talents and skills that God had given her for his use.
I pray that I can use writing to increase God's Kingdom and for his service.

research help: ' Women of the Bible' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Batman: George Clooney

Batman: George Clooney by ric Gustafson

In 1994, actor George Clooney landed the role of a lifetime. He was hired to play Dr Doug Ross on ' ER'. Before that major break, he had been in eight pilots and a few movies. In 1996, he appeared in the film ' From Dusk Till Dawn'.
Joel Schumacher was picked again to direct the fourth Batman film. The film was titled ' Batman and Robin and it was released in 1997. The film was widely panned by critics and was called one of the worst films ever.
Since ' Batman and Robin', Clooney's career has taken off. He's made good films, has won numerous awards including two Academy Awards. In 2014, Clooney married Amal Alamuddin.

research help: ' Batman 50th anniversary' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessing. Love Ric

Friday, June 10, 2016

Batman: Villains

Batman: Villains by ric Gustafson

The Joker: played by Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger and Cesar Romero
Bane: played by Tom Hardy
The Penguin: played by Burgess Meredith and Danny DeVito
Harvey Dent: played by Tommy Lee Jones
Scarecrow: played by Cillian Murphy
Catwoman: played by Julie Newmar, Eartha Kitt and Michelle Pfeiffer also Anne Hathaway
The Riddler: played by Frank Gorshin and Jim Carrey
Poison Ivy: played by Uma Thurman

research help: ' Batman 50th anniversary' by Harris Classics

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Batman: Val Kilmer

Batman: Val Kilmer by ric Gustafson

Joel Schumacher was chosen to direct the third Batman film. Schumacher only had one actor in mind to play the Caped Crusader. That actor was Val Kilmer. Schumacher wanted a more family friendly film with less violence. Schumacher wanted a Caped Crusader who was a bona fide superhero. Val Kilmer fit the bill. Kilmer was taller, imposing and sexier than Keaton.
Kilmer had a reputation in Hollywood for being difficult. Kilmer had two children with Joanne Whalley whom he divorced in 1996. His big break was a film called ' Top Secret' in 1984. By the time he was cast as Batman, Kilmer was making $ 6 million a picture and dating some of the hottest women in entertainment. ' Batman Forever' starring Val Kilmer as the Caped Crusader was the second highest grossing film of 1995 behind ' Toy Story'.

research help: ' Batman 50th anniversary' by Harris Classics

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

women of the Bible: Bernice

women of the Bible: Bernice by ric Gustafson

When Festus was appointed Governor of Judea, he ran into a big problem. The Jewish religious leaders had accused the Apostle Paul of blasphemy and wanted to put him to death. Festus asked Bernice and her brother King Agrippa to talk with Paul.
Paul presented the Gospel to them as a legal defense. He explained to them that Jesus was everything that the Jewish people had been waiting for. Paul told them about his own encounter with the risen Jesus.
King Agrippa was not too sure about this risen Jesus. Later in AD 66, Bernice risked her life to save Jews being killed by the Roman leader Gessius Florus. Did she believe in Jesus?. No one knows for sure.
I pray that I will have the confidence to tell others about Jesus.

research help: ' Women of the Bible' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 9, 2016

I knew Eva Braun page 8

I knew Eva Braun page 8 by ric Gustafson

At age 18, Eva pursued Adolf Hitler with a passion. Geli met Emil Maurice who was Hitler's chauffeur and bodyguard. She saw him daily in Munich because he drove Hitler around everywhere. Their relationship became serious and they were secretly engaged. When Hitler found out, he went into a terrible rage. Hitler insisted that they wait for two years to get married. Hitler put pressure on Geli to break up the engagement. It worked. She called it off. The Berghof became Geli's domain because her mother was a housekeeper.
One day in September of 1931, Geli Raubal committed suicide in Hitler's bedroom. Was it a suicide or was it murder?. Hitler was devastated when he heard the tragic news. At the time of Geli's suicide, Eva Braun was almost twenty.

research help: ' The lost life of Eva Braun' by Angela Lambert

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

52: the grave buster

52: the grave buster by ric Gustafson

Sometimes Jesus waits just like we do. In the little village of Bethany, a family had adopted Jesus. Whenever he passed through the village, he stayed with the family. A brother and two sisters lived there. The brother Lazarus fell deathly ill. Jesus and Lazarus were like brothers. John 11 states that Jesus stayed two days before hurrying to Bethany. Jesus came and resurrected Lazarus.
According to John 11: 23-26, Jesus tells Martha that he is the resurrection and the life. Then he asked Martha if she believed it.
Jesus asks us everyday if we believe in that statement. I pray that we always say yes.

research help: ' 52 weeks with Jesus' by James Merritt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

women of the Bible: Lydia

women of the Bible: Lydia by ric Gustafson

Lydia was a successful businesswoman who dealt with expensive purple cloth. Her clients included both Jews and Gentiles. After a conversation with the Apostle Paul, she gave her life to Jesus. The first thing she did after being baptized was to give hospitality to Paul and his companions. Paul accepted Lydia's invitation to stay at her home. This helped Paul with his ministry to non Jews.
I pray that I can serve the Lord to everyone I meet everyday.

research help: ' Women of the Bible' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

women of the Bible: Dorcas

women of the Bible: Dorcas by ric Gustafson

In the New Testament there is a story of a woman named Dorcas. She also went by the name of Tabitha. The widows at her wake showed everyone her handiwork which were garments that she had made. These widows were beside themselves and distraught.
God heard their cries. Two of the widows went to fetch the Apostle Peter. When he arrived, he told the women to leave the room. He then began to pray over Dorcas's body. He told her to get up. Dorcas obeyed and got up.
Thank you Jesus for the chance to serve you every day.

research help: ' Women of the Bible' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, June 6, 2016

women of the Bible: Ruth

women of the Bible: Ruth by ric Gustafson

A woman named Naomi had lost her husband and her only two sons. Her daughters in law were Orpah and Ruth. Naomi had decided to return to her homeland. Orpah decided to stay in Moab and Ruth decided to go with Naomi to Judah.
In Judah, the two women met a man named Boaz. He bought land that belonged to Naomi. He also agreed to marry Ruth.
Among the descendants of Ruth and Boaz is Jesus the Messiah.

research help: ' Women of the Bible' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, June 5, 2016

women of the Bible: Rahab

women of the Bible: Rahab by ric Gustafson

Two spies were sent to check out the walled city of Jericho. The spies took shelter in the house of a prostitute. The prostitutes name was Rahab. Enemy soldiers found their location and surrounded the house. They demanded that Rahab turn in the spies. They were hiding under bundles of flax on her roof. She told the soldiers that the spies had already left. The soldiers believed her and left.
The grateful spies instructed her to hang a red rope out of her window on the day of their attack. She did that and her and her family were saved.
Why would a local prostitute risk everything for a cause she knew nothing about?. Rahab stood in awe of God's power. She had heard stories of God's miracles and his power. She was asked by God to fulfill his plan. Rahab found worth in God's eyes.
Because of her faith in God, she escaped the destruction of Jericho.
A local prostitute became part of the messianic line.

research help: ' Women of the Bible' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

52: the Good Life

52: the Good Life by ric Gustafson

Things happen in our lives that make us worry. In these situations, do we have faith or fear?. We should never fear because Jesus the Good Shepherd protects us. We are sheep and need a Shepherd. Satan comes as a thief to steal, kill and destroy us. Shepherds cannot keep sheep from danger. Jesus as the Good Shepherd guards us in difficulty. As the Good Shepherd, Jesus knows us by name. The Good Shepherd always leads the sheep where they need to go. Also, he gives the sheep what they need. As the Good Shepherd, Jesus will lead us and protect us at all times. Amen.

research help: ' 52 weeks with Jesus' by James Merritt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the door: identifying the door

the door: identifying the door by ric Gustafson

What does the door of your heart look like?. Can people look through it or is it transparent?. Is the door brass or consist of heavy wood?. Is our door flexible with plenty of space to grow?. Is our door revolving with no direction?. Some people have doors they can not see inside.
The door to our heart can change from day to day. What kind of door is your heart?.
I pray that Jesus will open my door and come in to stay.

research help: ' Open the Door' by Joyce Rupp

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

women of the Bible: Tamar

women of the Bible: Tamar by ric Gustafson

Judah chose Tamar to marry their son Er. God struck him dead because he was very evil. The heir was passed to Judah's middle son Onan. God struck him down also. The heir went to Judah's youngest son Shelah. He was too young.
One day, Tamar disguised herself as a prostitute and made love to Judah. Three months later, Judah finds out that Tamar is pregnant. When Judah found out, he was going to have her burned. He changed his mind and Tamar had twins. One of the twins became a direct ancestor of Jesus.

research help: ' Women of the Bible' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, June 4, 2016

52: a light in the darkness

52: a light in the darkness by ric Gustafson

Being in complete darkness can be unnerving. You feel helpless and you are not sure how to get out. When you are in the dark spiritually and can't see your way out, read John 8:12. Jesus proclaims that he is the light of life and the light of the world.
Light is essential to life. We take it for granted but it is necessary for existence. Plants, animals and humans need it. When your life is at it's darkest, let Jesus the light come in. Jesus says come into the light. Jesus wants us to find people in spiritual darkness and guide them into his light.
I pray that I can do that.

research help: ' 52 weeks with Jesus' by James Merritt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

women of the Bible: Deborah

women of the Bible: Deborah by ric Gustafson

Around 1200 BC, the Israelites were under the thumb of Jabin the king of Canaan. Jabin's Commander was Sisera. He and his army wreaked havoc on the Israelites for two decades. The people needed someone to take on Jabin and Sisera.
That person sent by God was a prophet and judge named Deborah. She asked Barak to gather 10,000 soldiers to defeat the Canaanites. He said he would as long as she went also. She agreed. When the battle was done, not one of Sisera's army was still alive. Sisera was killed by Jael.
I pray that I can use the gifts that God has given me to benefit his Kingdom.

research help: ' Women of the Bible' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, June 3, 2016

52: more bread please

52: more bread please by ric Gustafson

According to John 6, Jesus proclaims that he is the bread of life. Jesus feed five thousand people with a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish. Jesus and his followers left. The people followed them. Jesus knew why they pursued him. Jesus knew they were not following him for the right reasons.
Physical hunger reminds us to eat or we will die. We have a spiritual hunger in our heart. We also have an eternal hunger that only belief in Jesus will satisfy.
Thank you Jesus that you are the Bread of Life. Please give me that bread.

research help: ' 52 weeks with Jesus' by James Merritt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I knew Eva Braun page 7

I knew Eva Braun page 7 by ric Gustafson

Hitler met Geli Raubal again in 1927. With Hitler's help, she enrolled at Munich University. At nineteen, she wasn't sure what she wanted to do. At first she wanted to be a singer so Hitler paid for singing lessons. Hitler was fiercely possessive of Geli. Geli called Hitler Uncle Adolf. Soon, she was coming with Hitler to social events. Geli was of medium size, well developed with wavy hair and brown eyes. She reminded Hitler of his youth in Linz and Vienna. Hitler was in love for the first time in his life.
On August 5 1928. Geli moved into Hitler's apartment in Munich. In December of 1929, Hitler and Geli moved into a larger apartment in central Munich. Eva did not have a rivalry with Geli for Hitler's love. Eva loved Hitler more than anything. Eva was determined to be involved in Hitler's life at all costs. Both Eva and Geli were raised as well behaved middle class girls. Eva was jealous of Geli.
Eva chased after Hitler even though she was only eighteen. Then something happened that changed everything.

research help: ' The Lost Life of Eva Braun' by Angela Lambert

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

women of the Bible: Jochebed

women of the Bible: Jochebed by ric Gustafson

Jochebed was born in captivity in Egypt. Pharaoh ordered that all Hebrew boys be put to death as soon as they were born. Then she gave birth to a baby boy. She had older children named Aaron and Miriam. Jochebed knew she had to do something drastic. She made a waterproof basket, put the baby inside and pushed the basket down the reeds of the Nile. Just then, Pharaoh's daughter came out to bathe. She found the basket and the baby. She decided to keep the baby. Miriam watched the baby.
The baby was named Moses. He was raised by the Egyptian royal family.
Later, Moses led the people to the Promised Land.
God wants us to be bold, take risks, trust and follow him.

research help: ' Women of the Bible' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, June 2, 2016

52: the misfit

52: the misfit by ric Gustafson

There were misfits and black sheeps in the Bible. Tamar, Rahab and Bathsheba were black sheep in the line of Abraham and David. Yet, God used these women to produce the world's Savior. Using people like these for his plan, God can take us where we are. God can also change what we are. And lastly, God can use us who we are. God can use misfits and broken people for his great plans for us. God can use us with broken lives for his great plan for this sinful earth.

research help: ' 52 weeks with Jesus' by James Merritt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I knew Eva Braun page 6

I knew Eva Braun page 6 by ric Gustafson

Home to Eva was Bavaria. She enjoyed the mountains, the forests, the lakes and green meadows. People greeted each other with ' Gruss Gott' which meant God's greeting. As a young woman, Eva wore the local clothes including a flowered dress and white blouse. Eva's photo albums contained photographs of mountains, waterfalls and meadows.
Adolf Hitler also loved Bavaria. When he needed a quiet retreat, he found one in Berchtesgaden. Hitler like to walk in the nearby woods with Dietrich Eckart. Later, it was Rudolf Hess who walked with him constantly. Hitler was inspired by Bavarian mythology and folk memory. Hitler had a deep passion for composer Wagner. In September of 1923, Wagner's English daughter in law Winifred came to visit. Winifred became a devoted follower of Hitler. In October of 1928, Hitler bought Haus Wachenfeld which later became the Berghof. He asked his widowed half sister Angela Raubal if she would become his cook and housekeeper.
Later, Angela's daughter known as ' Geli' would come to visit.

research help: ' The Lost Life of Eva Braun' by Angela Lambert

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

women of the Bible: Leah

women of the Bible: Leah by ric Gustafson

Jacob had agreed to work for Laban for seven years. He did this in return of marrying his daughter Rachel. Instead it was his daughter Leah. Jacob wanted Rachel. He agreed to work seven more years for her.  Everyone thought that Rachel was barren.
Leah bore six sons and one daughter for Jacob. Leah's third son was Levi thus came Israel's line of priests. From Leah's fourth son Judah's line came Jesus the Messiah.
Leah was favored in God's eyes. We are also.

research help: ' Women of the Bible' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

52: just like us

52: just like us by ric Gustafson

Jesus is the Messiah because he came from the line of King David. Long before we were born, God was overseeing our future. He designated our identity and designed the plan for our lives. Because of our unique birth, God had a special plan for our life.
No matter what problems we have in this earthly life, God has a purpose for us. We were born with certain signs. We were chosen by God to fit into his plan. God wants our lives to be a masterpiece of his goodness and grace. We were born with a past and a history.
God wants us to live for his glory and express goodness to others.

research help: ' 52 weeks with Jesus' by James Merritt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

women of the Bible: Hagar

women of the Bible: Hagar by ric Gustafson

Hagar had a son named Ishmael. Sarah had a son named Isaac. The father of both boys was Abraham. As the sons grew older, it became a blended family. One day, Sarah caught Ishmael playing with Isaac. Sarah pleaded with her husband to send Hagar and her son into the desert. Abraham prayed and then honored her wish. They were given bread and water and then sent away.
When their provisions ran out, it looked bleak for the two of them. Hagar prayed to God for help. God provided water so they could survive.
God listens to our prayers and provides for everything that we need.

research help: ' Women of the Bible' by Time Home Entertainment

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

I knew Eva Braun page 5

I knew Eva Braun page 5 by ric Gustafson

On February 2 1919, four days before Eva's seventh birthday, Eva's parents formally separated. Both had different temperments and Fritz was not the most faithful of husbands. Fritz had basically cut himself off from the rest of the family. Fanny took her daughters Beilngries for a while. Eva was admitted to the local Catholic day school. She was only there for a few months. On November 16 1922, Eva's parents were officially reunited for good.
Eva loved to ice skate and go to movies. In 1925 when Eva was thirteen, the family moved to a flat north of Munich's shopping centre. At the age of 15, Eva was a flirt with the boys. Protecting Eva from losing her virginity as an unmarried girl was important to her parents. Eva did not do well in school. In 1928 at the age of 16, she was ready to go to work.
She did not know that the stranger who walked into the photography shop that day would change her life forever.

research help: ' The Lost Life of Eva Braun' by Angela Lambert

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric