Thursday, April 11, 2013

the end of days: Revelation 8 page 1

the end of days: Revelation 8 page 1 by ric gustafson

Rory walked into the collapsed hallway and slowly made his way toward his mother's apartment. He looked out a window to see a huge crater in the middle of the street. He noticed that the front door of Apartment 15 was a ajar.
" Mother" he said loudly as he quietly opened the door and stepped inside. The small apartment was a shambles with concrete littering the floor and a collapsed roof. " Mother, where are you?".
" Rory, I'm in here".
He opened the closet door to reveal his terrified mother.
" Oh Rory" she said as she hugged her son. " I told you the wrath of the Lamb was coming".
" Mother, this was not the wrath of Jesus". He hugged his mother tighter. " This was just a natural occurance".
" Rory, this was the wrath of the Lamb".
" Mother, this was not caused by the God that you believe in".
She shook her head. " My son, I worry about your eternal destination".
" Mother don't worry about me, Carlo will protect me".

research help: original story and ' Soul Harvest' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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