Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hindenburg page 1

Hindenburg page 1 by ric gustafson

Rolf Muller looked out the window of the bus as it came near the Rhein-Main World Airport. He saw the huge Zeppelin hanger which was as large as a stadium. The hanger was a thousand feet long and twenty stories high. He and the other passengers got off the bus, walked through the hanger entrance and up to a wooden table.
A custom agent said loudly ' we are checking all luggage, tickets and passports".
Rolf handed the young man what he asked.
" Hello Rolf".
He turned to see a Zeppelin employee. " Do I know you?".
He clicked his heels and shook his hand. " My name is Hans Nitser, I worked with your father here for several years".
" Thank you". Rolf's father, Fritz Muller worked for Zeppelin and Dr Hugo Eckener for twenty five years and was now retired.
The custom agent stamped his passport, and handed them to him. " Next".
Rolf walked outside and watched as stewards in white jackets escorted ladies into the huge airship.
Rolf looked up and was amazed at what he observed.

research help: ' The Hindenburg Murders' by Max Allan Collins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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