Wednesday, April 3, 2013

the end of days: Carlo page 1

the end of days: Carlo page 1 by ric gustafson

Rory sat in the audience as his leader slowly walked up the four wooden steps to the podium. He took a sip from a bottled water next to him. " Citizens of the One World community, with a heavy heart I bring you news of a plot to overthrow me".
" No!" yelled the crowd.
Carlo raised a hand to silence the crowd. " I am a man of peace but as your leader I cannot let this rebellion continue".
Rory smiled in agreement.
" Exactly four hours ago, major cities in the US and all over the world were decimated by nuclear bombs".
Rory knew his bank supplied the funding for those bombs.
" I plan no more attacks unless I need to". He slammed a fist on the podium. " But if I am provoked I will not hesitate to use force".
The crowd stood and cheered for their leader.
" Thank you for your support and approval". Smiling, he stepped down and began to shake hands.
Rory's admiration for his new leader just grew.

research help: original story and ' Nicolae' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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