Saturday, April 6, 2013

a mustard seed page 1

a mustard seed page 1 by ric gustafson

Homer McGinn ran around the corner of the vestibule and then stopped.
" Homer, stop!" Emily McGinn tiredly said as she caught up to her son.
" Mommy". He pointed toward a white box that was on top of a brown plastic coffee cart. " Can I have a cookie?".
" Just one". She handed him a chocolate chip cookie.
" Mommy, what are those people doing?". He was watching people put cans into a large decorated box.
" They are putting cans of food in there to help feed people without a home".
" People without a home?".
" Remember the man we saw downtown looking through the big green trashcan".
" Mommy, he looked so sad".
" Honey, would you like us to bring a can of food next Sunday so you can put it in the box?".
Homer nodded.
The following Sunday, he put a can of green beans into the box.

research help: a Pastor Tyler sermon

Everyone have a great Saturday. Love Ric

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