Saturday, April 20, 2013

Solomon page 3

Solomon page 3 by ric gustafson

Bathsheba snuggled into her woolen mattress. She was exhausted after helping her servants wash, wrap and anoint her husband's body for burial. She looked out the ivory latticed window and thought about her husband. King David took her from her first husband Uriah but knew that he loved her. Tommorow, her son Solomon will lead the burial procession to their family's tomb. She knew her husband was frustrated when her son took an Ammonite princess to be his wife.
There was a knock on the chamber door. Dalit her handmaid opened it. " My lady, I'm sorry to bother you". She quietly walked in. " Prince Adonijah is here to see you".
" Show him in".
In walked a young man that King David and Bathsheba did not trust.
" I'm sorry to bother you my lady". " I have a request to ask".
" What is your request?".
" Please ask your son to give me Abishag the Shulammite as my wife".
" Do you want to try another coup to become king over my son?".
" No my lady, I love her".
She saw real tears in his eyes. " I will speak to my son on your behalf before  the burial procession tomorrow".
" Thank you my lady".

research help: ' Love's Sacred Song' by Mesu Andrews

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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