Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Solomon page 5

Solomon page 5 by ric gustafson

Solomon and Benaiah walked into the king's private bedchamber.
The young king sat down on at the edge of the bed and yawned.
" My king, you look exhausted".
" I am". He yawned again. " My abba's funeral today was the first national burial in this kingdom".
" Your abba would of been proud of you today".
Solomon put a hand on his friend's shoulder. " Thank you Benaiah".
There was a knock on the chamber door
" Enter".
An Egyptian courier entered along with one of Benaiah's guards. " I'm sorry to disturb you my lord but Pharaoh's ambassador and caravan is arriving before dawn".
" What" Solomon shouted.
" I'm sorry my king but Pharaoh Siamun was killed in battle".
" I'm sorry to hear that". He hesitated. " Who is the new Pharaoh?".
" Pharoah Psusennes and he wishes the success of our new trade agreement".
Solomon smiled. " My steward will see that you are housed in the servant's quarters until they arrive".

research help: ' Love's Sacred Song' by Mesu Andrews

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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