Friday, April 19, 2013

Solomon page 2

Solomon page 2 by ric gustafson

A tired Solomon was walking toward the palace with Benaiah. It had been an exhausting day for the young king after his father's death earlier in the day. He had just been to the astronomers tower to discuss calendar changes with the celestial experts. He wanted to announce a thirty day grieving period for his abba. He knew this decision would affect the beginning of Passover.
Solomon noticed the moon shining on Mount Moriah which was going to be the site of God's temple. " Benaiah, I wonder how Israel is going to remember my abba?".
The captain was silent.
" Will they remember him as a warrior and a king?".
" My king you can ask them tomorrow" he said with a grin. " They are your people now".
" Captain Benaiah, you have increased security for tomorrow".
" Yes my king, we have increased the guards in and around the palace".
" Be sure my wife Naamah and my son Prince Rehoboam are here tomorrow also".
" Yes my king".

research help: ' Love's Sacred Song' by Mesu Andrews

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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