Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hindenburg page 1

Hindenburg page 1 by ric gustafson

Rolf Muller looked out the window of the bus as it came near the Rhein-Main World Airport. He saw the huge Zeppelin hanger which was as large as a stadium. The hanger was a thousand feet long and twenty stories high. He and the other passengers got off the bus, walked through the hanger entrance and up to a wooden table.
A custom agent said loudly ' we are checking all luggage, tickets and passports".
Rolf handed the young man what he asked.
" Hello Rolf".
He turned to see a Zeppelin employee. " Do I know you?".
He clicked his heels and shook his hand. " My name is Hans Nitser, I worked with your father here for several years".
" Thank you". Rolf's father, Fritz Muller worked for Zeppelin and Dr Hugo Eckener for twenty five years and was now retired.
The custom agent stamped his passport, and handed them to him. " Next".
Rolf walked outside and watched as stewards in white jackets escorted ladies into the huge airship.
Rolf looked up and was amazed at what he observed.

research help: ' The Hindenburg Murders' by Max Allan Collins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Hindenburg prelude

Hindenburg prelude by ric gustafson

People know about the 1937 explosion of the Hindenburg at the Lakehurst Naval Air Station. What people do not know is that four years earlier, another airship crashed with more deaths than the Hindenburg.
This year marks the 80th anniversary of the crash of the USS Akron which is the deadliest airship disaster on record. The USS Akron was a 785 foot dirigible that was in it's third year of flight. It was flying over the Atlantic Ocean after midnight on April 4 1933 when a violent storm sent it plunging into the ocean.
The airship left Lakehurst and just a few hours later, crashed into the Atlantic Ocean killing 73 of the 76 men aboard. The airship had no life vests and only one rubber raft. The crash just about completely deflated the airship and it was a few weeks before the entire wreckage was lifted from the ocean. The three surviving crew members included Lt Commander Herbert Wiley who was in the control car just before the crash.
A small plaque at Lakehurst Naval Air Station commemorates this nearly forgotten tragedy in american history.

research help: An Omaha World Herald article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, April 29, 2013

No Time chapter 2 page 1

No Time chapter 2 page 1 by ric gustafson

Bryson drove the SUV up to the curb. " Are you sure this is the address?".
" I think so" Jessica replied as she stared at her notebook. " 112 North 157th St".
They got out and began walking up the sidewalk toward the front door.
He noticed two sofas and other furniture on the front lawn.
As they reached the front door, a young woman walked out with a large broom.
" Mrs McHenery, I brought you your fixed watch". She handed her the package. " Is there something we can do for you?".
" Yes". She gave them a frustrated look. " I have turned the house inside out looking for a lost coin".

research help: ' All the Parables of the Bible' by Herbert Lockyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Busch page 7

Busch page 7 by ric gustafson

At the start of World War II, brewers had to show patriotism. They sent lobbyists to Washington to convince lawmakers that beer was a vital part of morale. The US Brewers Association started an ad campaign promoting beer as America's Beverage of Moderation. Brewers shipped millions of bottles and cans to military bases around the world. The big three breweries- Anheuser Busch, Pabst and Schlitz sold the most to the military.
Gussie Busch did his part by becoming a major in the US Army Ordiance Department thanks in part to Missouri senator Harry S Truman. After the war was over, Gussie returned to St Louis but his marriage to Elizabeth had become strained. They seperated and with his daughter Lotsie, moved into a six bedroom apartment. Business at the brewery was up but Pabst had now taken over as America's number one brewery.
In August of 1946, Adolphus III died from stomach cancer. Six days later, Gussie was named President of the brewery. His plans for the brewery were immediate. Capacity was increased for the higher demand of their product. Of the fifteen Board of Directors, seven were family members. Family owned seventy five percent of the brewery's stock. Even with all of Gussie's changes, the brewery went down to fourth place in 1947 with Schlitz taking first place.

research help: ' Bitter Brew' by William Knoedelseder

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

me and my 2014 Corvette Stingray page 3

me and my 2014 Corvette Stingray page 3 by ric gustafson

Horace and Gloria sat down in a plush red easy chair.
The man in the red blazer opened a desk drawer and pulled out a contract. " The base price for this 2014 model is just under $52,000".
" Horace, we cannot afford this car".
" Actually this model is only $ 1,400 more than the current model".
" Can I see that please?". She studied the contract. " What are all these terms in small print at the bottom of the page?". She stared at the man in red. " You can barely make out the words the print is so small".
" It's just the fine print".
Horace tried to change the subject. " What does POTA mean on your plaque on your desk?".
" Oh that!". He smiled and picked up the small black plaque. " Prince Of The Air".
" What does that mean?".
" That's just one of my nicknames". He put the contract in front of Horace. " Are you interested in signing?".
" Horace, I'm leaving". Gloria stood up and walked out the door.
" Sorry" Horace said as he stood up and ran out after her. " You promised me that we could go to the Mega Mart today".
Satan sighed as he put the contract back into the drawer. " Oh well, almost had him".

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: An Omaha World Herald article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, April 28, 2013

me and my 2014 Corvette Stingray page 2

me and my 2014 Corvette Stingray page 2 by ric gustafson

Horace watched as a middleaged man wearing a red blazer opened the front door. " Welcome to the GM lookathon for 2014 models".
" Thank you" Horace said as he and Gloria walked in. " I would love to see your 2014 Corvette Stingray".
" Great choice" was the reply as he gave them a strange grin. " Right this way". He led them past other new GM vehicles and then stopped in front of a new white Corvette. " Here it is".
Horace put a hand on the vehicle. " It's beautiful".
" Horace, we cannot afford this car".
" Can you describe the features to me?".
" In January at the Detroit Auto Show, it was the talk of the show".
" Why is that?".
" The car is lower and sleeker and the steel structure was replaced by aluminum".
" Wow".
" Horace, think about our budget and the loss of your income".
" The car has a new V8 engine and can go from zero to 60 in four seconds".
" Horace, remember our debt".
" Can we talk price?".
" Sure, it goes on sale this summer but let's go into my office and talk details".

research help: An Omaha World Herald article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, April 27, 2013

me and my 2014 Corvette Stingray page 1

me and my 2014 Corvette Stingray page 1 by ric gustafson

Gloria Moneyside sat down at the large kitchen table with a checkbook and a cup of coffee. She opened the checkbook and frowned as she began to balance their monthly budget.
" Hi honey" Horace Moneyside said as he sat down with a brochure. " What are you doing?".
" Balancing our monthly budget".
He put the brochure next to her coffee cup.
" Remember when I mentioned that I had always wanted a Corvette Stingray".
" I remember you saying that before you lost your job last month".
" Can we go to the local GM event and see the new Corvette Stingray that goes on sale this summer".
" If you promise to sit down with me and go over our monthly budget".
" Sure".

research help: an Omaha World Herald article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

our daily bread store page 4

our daily bread store page 4 by ric gustafson

Fran stood behind a tree and watched as customers walked out of Wilma's store. She noticed that people were coming out with smiles on their faces but with hardly any bread in their hands. She thought that was odd.
She stopped a customer as they walked out the door. " If this is a bread store, why is it that people are not carrying out much as far as bread?".
" You should go in and find out for yourself".
She quietly walked in and was amazed at what she saw. Hardly anything inside the store looked like an actual bread store. She noticed only a couple racks of wheat bread in a corner of the store.
Wilma walked out of a backroom holding a bible in one hand.
Fran had a surprised look on her face. " Wilma, why is there hardly any bread being sold in this bread store?".
Wilma smiled and opened the bible to the Lord's Prayer. " Give us this day our daily bread".
" What are you talking about?".
" Daily bread involves more than just daily physical bread".
" It does?". She scratched her head in confusion.
" Our daily bread includes our physical, spiritual  and our general well being".
" What about our hunger?".
" Our daily bread provides what we need from day to day". She walked over and picked up a loaf of wheat bread from the rack. She put the bread and the bible into a sack. " I'm giving you my bible so you can read the Lord's Prayer on your own".
Fran smiled as she left with her sack.
" Thank you for visiting our daily bread store".

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the broken pitcher page 2

the broken pitcher page 2 by ric gustafson

Myron woke up and his eyes darted around the large room. The scrapes and bruises that he had felt had been worked on while he slept. In this bedroom, he saw three large bay windows and a fire that crackled in a fireplace. He closed his eyes because it felt safe and peaceful here. After a while, he heard the bedroom open and then close.
" Myron, how do you feel?".
" I'm sore all over". He tried to raise his head but couldn't.
" Yes, those men beat you up pretty good".
" Where am I?".
" My spare bedroom". He walked over and opened the white blinds to reveal sunshine. " How do you like my clay pitchers?".
Myron looked and for the first time noticed wooden shelves filled with pitchers and clay pots. " They are very nice".
The young man smiled. " After you have recovered from your wounds and feel better, would you like to see my studio?".
" Sure".

research help: original story and ' Mended' by Angie Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, April 26, 2013

our daily bread store page 3

our daily bread store page 3 by ric gustafson

Fran sipped some coffee as she noticed how beautiful the day was. As she stood just outside the front door of her business, she stared across Highway 86 at her rival bread store. How could anyone including Wilma Anderson name a bread store ' our daily bread store'. What made her more mad was the fact that her business seemed to be growing and her store at last count was losing some. She shook her head when she saw two of her favorite customers coming out the door. " Good morning Walt".
" Good morning Fran" the elderly man said as he held the door open for his wife Doris. " It's a beautiful morning today".
" That it is". She smiled at the long time customers. " Thanks for coming in this morning".
" We love your homemade white bread" Doris said as she showed her the sack.
" I'm glad to hear that".
" To be honest, we also like to go over to ' our daily bread store ' and get Wilma's special bread".
" Special bread?".
" Yes, have a good day".
The elderly couple waved as they got into their car and left.
Resentment and anger came to Fran's face as she stared across Highway 86.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the broken pitcher page 1

the broken pitcher page 1 by ric gustafson

Myron Lindell opened one of his eyes. He closed them again because he hurt so much. He could only remember that a group of young men had chased him into the yard. He opened his eyes again and then tried to look around. He noticed in the dark that he was lying on a mountain of pottery shards. Because he could not get up, he closed his eyes to die.
" Son, let me help you get up".
Myron blinked and tried to adjust his eyes to the dark. " The Potter". He had heard rumors over the years about a strange young man who lived on the edge of town. He stared at a young man who wore a dark beard and had on a white robe.
" Looks like you've had a busy night".
Myron took the young man's outstretched hand and slowly stood up.
" Let's get you inside the house".
Slowly they walked across the yard and into a plain white house.

research help: original story and ' Mended' by Angie Smith

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Bread of Life: Capernaum b

The Bread of Life: Capernaum b by ric gustafson

Someone yelled at the Rabbi " please sir, give us this bread".
" I am the Bread of Life, he who comes to me will never go hungry". Jesus looked at the crowd with love in his eyes. " I have come down from heaven not to do my will but the will of him who sent me".
Some of the people in the crowd began to grumble.
Someone yelled " is this not the son of Joseph of Nazareth, how can he say that he came down from heaven?".
Jesus smiled. " I am the Bread of Life, your forefathers ate the manna but died".
More people began to grumble.
" The bread I give is from heaven, who ever eats this bread will not die".
Someone yelled " how can this be?".
" I am the living bread that came down from heaven, this bread is my flesh which I gave for the life of the world".
Someone yelled " how can you give us your flesh to eat?".
Jesus sighed. " Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and will be with me forever".
The crowd dispersed.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research  help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Bread of Life: Capernaum a

The Bread of Life: Capernaum a by ric gustafson

I got off the boat along with a crowd of people and ran toward Capernaum in search of the Rabbi. The day before, we had witnessed where probably five thousand people were in one place and very hungry. The Rabbi had us sit down, he held up a knapsack and then blessed it. Out of this knapsack, the Rabbi's followers pulled out loaf after loaf of bread and passed it around. We ate this bread and some fish until we were satisfied. Then the Rabbi's followers collected twelve baskets of pieces that were left over.
After witnessing this miracle, we wanted to make him our king. We tried to find him but he disappeared. We found out that he had taken a boat across the lake to Capernaum, so the next day we got on a boat and went looking for him. We found him in a synagogue and asked him when he had gotten there.
" You are looking for me not because of a miraculous sign but because of the bread that had just filled you".
Someone yelled ' what sign are you going to do for us?".
Jesus stared at the crowd.
" Our forefathers ate the manna in the desert".
" It was not Moses who gave you the bread, but my father who gives you the true bread from heaven".

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Bread of Life: the five thousand b

The Bread of Life: the five thousand b by ric gustafson

Aron saw a young tall black bearded man pointing at the huge crowd. He saw other men pointing their fingers at the crowd and throwing up their hands in desperation.
Jesus looked at Phillip. " Where shall we buy bread for all these people to eat?".
He looked at Jesus with a look of frustration. " Wages earned for eight months would not be enough to buy enough bread for everyone to have one bite".
Andrew noticed Aron and walked toward him. " Boy, what's your name?".
" Aron".
" What's in your knapsack?".
" Five small barley loaves and two small fish".
" Please come with me".
Andrew and Aron walked up to Jesus.
Jesus gave Aron a big smile.
" Master, this is Aron and he has five small barley loaves and two small fish in his knapsack". He frowned. " But how far will that go with so many people?".
" Tell the people to sit down". He looked at Aron. " Thank you Aron, may God bless you".
Jesus lifted the knapsack toward heaven and blessed it.
Aron started to walk home and knew something wonderful had just happened.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Bread of Life: the five thousand a

The Bread of Life: the five thousand a by ric gustafson

Aron ran out the front door of the house and around the corner to where his mother was working in a small vegetable garden.
" Mother, can I go fishing down at the sea?".
" Sure, I'll make you a little lunch so you can take it with you".
He ran and picked up his fishing stick which was lying alongside the house. He ran back to the front as his mother came out with a little knapsack.
" Here are five small barley loaves you can have for your lunch".
" Thanks Mother". He began to walk down the dusty road.
" And if you catch any fish" she yelled as he kept walking. " You can have those too".
It did not take him long to reach the Sea of Tiberias. He found a spot where he liked to fish and stretched out on a large rock. Soon after he put his stick into the water, he pulled out a small fish. He put the stick back into the water and closed his eyes to rest. Soon, his stick tugged and he pulled in another small fish.
After this, he stood up and decided to walk to another spot to eat his lunch. He put the small fish into his knapsack and began to walk. As he walked, he noticed a huge number of people gathering on a mountain side by the sea.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

4343 Tulip Lane page 4

4343 Tulip Lane page 4 by ric gustafson

Roger was biking down Tulip Lane and noticed an Open House sign in front of 4343. He got off his bike, locked it up and walked through an open front door. The front foyer area was decked out in red and white balloons and a large banner that said ' Just Opened'.
" Hello Roger" said a young man who wore a dark beard and had a big smile. He walked over and shook his hand. " I've been waiting for you".
In shock, Roger stared at the young man. " How did you know I was coming?".
The young man pointed around the foyer. " Welcome to my house".
" How did you know my name was Roger?".
" I've been waiting for you". He opened a blue colored register. " See your room is ready for you".
" My room?".
The young man smiled. " I've been preparing a room for you for a long time now".
" You have?".
" Would you like to see it?".
Roger thought about his wife and his life. " Yes, I'm ready".
He and the young man walked upstairs.

The End

research help: ' The Day Christ Died' by Jim Bishop

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

4343 Tulip Lane page 3

4343 Tulip Lane page 3 by ric gustafson

Roger turned his bike onto Tulip Lane so he could see how the new house was progressing. Normally he would not bike on this street because it was not on his normal route home. He was curious today about the new house.
He saw the construction site sign saying stay out but his curiosity got the better of him. He put on the brakes, stopped the bike and slowly got off. As he walked, he noticed somebody in a hard hat and orange uniform sketching something on a portable easel. " Hi" he said as he walked softly toward the easel. " I was just curious about the building of this new house".
" Hello" replied a middleaged man as he kept drawing on the easel. " I'm Warren the house designer for this project".
Roger peeked at the plans. " That's a lot of rooms".
" My employer has told me that he wants a lot of rooms built".
" Why so many?".
" I don't know". He scratched his head. " But that is what he wants".
" I better go" Roger said as he checked his watch. " Thanks for the update".
" Come back any time".
Roger got back on his bike and left.
Warren went back to working on the plans.

research help: ' The Day Christ Died' by Jim Bishop

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Solomon page 5

Solomon page 5 by ric gustafson

Solomon and Benaiah walked into the king's private bedchamber.
The young king sat down on at the edge of the bed and yawned.
" My king, you look exhausted".
" I am". He yawned again. " My abba's funeral today was the first national burial in this kingdom".
" Your abba would of been proud of you today".
Solomon put a hand on his friend's shoulder. " Thank you Benaiah".
There was a knock on the chamber door
" Enter".
An Egyptian courier entered along with one of Benaiah's guards. " I'm sorry to disturb you my lord but Pharaoh's ambassador and caravan is arriving before dawn".
" What" Solomon shouted.
" I'm sorry my king but Pharaoh Siamun was killed in battle".
" I'm sorry to hear that". He hesitated. " Who is the new Pharaoh?".
" Pharoah Psusennes and he wishes the success of our new trade agreement".
Solomon smiled. " My steward will see that you are housed in the servant's quarters until they arrive".

research help: ' Love's Sacred Song' by Mesu Andrews

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, April 22, 2013

Solomon page 4

Solomon page 4 by ric gustafson

Solomon yawned as the chamber servant put his usual breakfast on the table. He bit into a fig as Benaiah entered the private suite.  " Good morning my king".
Solomon took a sip of some goat's milk. " I did not sleep very well".
" Nightmares again".
" Yes, also I was thinking about my Abba's last words to me".
" What were those my king?".
" He whispered to me " establish your throne and then seek peace for yourself and for Israel".
Solomon gave his captain a worried stare. " My nightmares include a hostile takeover by an invading kingdom".
" No wonder you look so tired".
Solomon looked at his advisor. " Are the northern leaders preparing for civil war?".
His trusted captain was silent.
" Is everything prepared for my father's funeral procession?".
Benaiah bowed. " Yes my king".

research help: ' Love's Sacred Song' by Mesu Andrews

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Solomon page 3

Solomon page 3 by ric gustafson

Bathsheba snuggled into her woolen mattress. She was exhausted after helping her servants wash, wrap and anoint her husband's body for burial. She looked out the ivory latticed window and thought about her husband. King David took her from her first husband Uriah but knew that he loved her. Tommorow, her son Solomon will lead the burial procession to their family's tomb. She knew her husband was frustrated when her son took an Ammonite princess to be his wife.
There was a knock on the chamber door. Dalit her handmaid opened it. " My lady, I'm sorry to bother you". She quietly walked in. " Prince Adonijah is here to see you".
" Show him in".
In walked a young man that King David and Bathsheba did not trust.
" I'm sorry to bother you my lady". " I have a request to ask".
" What is your request?".
" Please ask your son to give me Abishag the Shulammite as my wife".
" Do you want to try another coup to become king over my son?".
" No my lady, I love her".
She saw real tears in his eyes. " I will speak to my son on your behalf before  the burial procession tomorrow".
" Thank you my lady".

research help: ' Love's Sacred Song' by Mesu Andrews

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, April 19, 2013

Lane 9 revisited

Lane 9 revisited by ric gustafson

I walked up to the boarded up window and tried to peek in. The bowling center had been closed for years and I was sad. I had lots of good memories of open bowling there. As I began to walk away, I noticed that the front door was ajar. I quietly walked up to the boarded up door and pulled a loose board.
I walked into a trashed and dusty bowling center where I bowled for so many years. With a tear in my eye, I turned to leave. Then I heard a bowling ball hitting some pins. I turned to see the lights on Lane 9 turned on. Then I noticed a gray haired gentleman waving at me to come over. I smiled because it was my friend God the Father. I walked over and gave him a hug.
God threw his bowlng ball and got a strike. " Hi Ric, how are you?".
" Happy and sad".
" Why is that?".
" I miss this bowling center but I just had a wonderful dinner with my church friends".
He threw his bowling ball and got a strike. " As I remember, the first time we bowled together you told me about your church friends".
" You probably remember when that was".
" December 2003".
" I care about them now as much as I did then".
" I know you do". He threw his ball and bowled a strike. " They know that too".
" I don't know how I can get through life without them".
He smiled at me. " That is why they are in your life".
" It is".
" I put them into your life to help you through this sinful and tough life".
" Thank you".
" Ric, you are a blessing and a joy to me".
I turned to leave, turned around and noticed that the lights on Lane 9 were off and God the Father was gone.
I smiled as I left that boarded up bowling center.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Bread of Life: what is it?

The Bread of Life: what is it? by ric gustafson

Moses and Aaron stood on a rock and could hear the people grumbling.
Moses frowned. " Now what are they grumbling about?".
" They are complaining that in Egypt they had pots of meat and bread as much as they wanted and here they are starving".
" God has heard their grumbling and has told me what he is going to do". " Gather the people together".
Aaron gathered the people.
" God has heard your grumbling and he will give you plenty of meat to eat in the evening and bread to eat in the morning". " There is one specific instruction God gave me".
The people listened very intently.
" You are to gather enough for one day's worth of bread at a time except for Friday when you can gather twice as much.
One evening, Moses and Aaron were talking to the people when the glory of the Lord appeared in a cloud. God in the cloud told Moses that at twilight they will have meat and in the morning bread. That night, quails came and covered the camp and in the morning, dew covered the camp. After the dew evaporated, a white flake which looked like frost covered the ground. When the people saw this they pointed at Moses and Aaron " what is it?".
Moses told the people this was the bread that the Lord had promised. Moses warned the people again to only gather what their family could use each day, no more no less. He also reminded them that they can gather twice as much on Friday because none would be on the ground in honor of the Sabbath. The people named this bread Manna and it was white and tasted like wafers with honey.
Aaron took some of this Manna, put it into a jar and placed it before the Lord.

research help: the Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Solomon page 2

Solomon page 2 by ric gustafson

A tired Solomon was walking toward the palace with Benaiah. It had been an exhausting day for the young king after his father's death earlier in the day. He had just been to the astronomers tower to discuss calendar changes with the celestial experts. He wanted to announce a thirty day grieving period for his abba. He knew this decision would affect the beginning of Passover.
Solomon noticed the moon shining on Mount Moriah which was going to be the site of God's temple. " Benaiah, I wonder how Israel is going to remember my abba?".
The captain was silent.
" Will they remember him as a warrior and a king?".
" My king you can ask them tomorrow" he said with a grin. " They are your people now".
" Captain Benaiah, you have increased security for tomorrow".
" Yes my king, we have increased the guards in and around the palace".
" Be sure my wife Naamah and my son Prince Rehoboam are here tomorrow also".
" Yes my king".

research help: ' Love's Sacred Song' by Mesu Andrews

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Bread of Life: free bread at Ragu's

The Bread of Life: free bread at Ragu's by ric gustafson

The young waiter, sporting a dark beard and wearing a white apron, walked up to the table. " Good evening welcome to Ragu's". " Here are some menu's".
" Thank you" replied Henry Carlson as he opened the menu. " We heard that your Italian cuisine and your bread are world famous".
" Thank you, I've heard that from others". He poured some water into their goblets.
" We also heard that Wednesday is free bread night here".
" That's true" was the young man's reply as he smiled at them. " We get a lot of people here because of that". " Do you need a few minutes to look over the menu?".
" No, I will have the spaghetti and meatballs and my wife the ravioli". He smiled at the young waiter. " And of course plenty of your bread".
" Of course, I will be right back with that".
He came back with the bread. " Your meals should be out shortly".
Twenty minutes later, he brought them their dinners.
" Oh young man, could you please bring us some more of that fabulous bread?".
" Of course, I am the Bread of Life".
The couple ignored what the waiter said.
Later, the waiter brought their bill. " Is their anything else I can get you?".
Henry handed him a credit card. " Yes, could you give us an order of that bread so we could take it home?".
" Sure, he who comes to me will never go hungry".
He brought back the credit card and a box with their bread in it. " Thank you for coming to Ragu's and if you want to be fulfilled, put your faith in me".
" Thank you young man, your free bread was worth the trip here".
The couple left and Jesus picked up some menu's. " Good evening welcome to Ragu's".

research help: ' Follow Me' by David Platt

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Solomon page 1

Solomon page 1 by ric gustafson

King David lay on a straw mattress shivering. Levites were by his side waving him with incense and crying to God on behalf of their king.
" Isn't there anything we can do for him?" asked Solomon as the palace physician stood by the mattress.
" I'm sorry my King" he said as servants ran around trying to look busy. " We have done all we can".
Solomon looked away as King David groaned again. Next to his father's bed, sat Bathsheba his father's wife and Benaiah the captain of the king's guard. The prophet Nathan stood in a corner and Zadok the priest stood nearby.
His father's eyes were sunken and his cheeks were gaunt.
" Abba, how can I rule this nation without your guidance?".
King David's voice was now a death rattle.
" Rest now Abba, I love you".
A cold hand grabbed Solomon's. " Solomon!".
" Yes Abba".
" Your name means peace and Yahweh told me that you would bring peace to Israel".
King David's voice was now a whisper. " Seek peace my son".
" Abba, I will".
King David's eyes closed for the last time.

research help: ' Love's Sacred Song' by Mesu Andrews

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

4343 Tulip Lane page 2

4343 Tulip Lane page 2 by ric gustafson

Roger Henkel kissed his wife as he put his work clothes into a small black duffel bag.
" Would you like me to make you some breakfast?" Carol Henkel asked as she opened the bedroom door.
" No thanks, I'm going to bike to work this morning". As she walked downstairs toward the kitchen, he quickly put on his bike clothes because he already knew he was running late this morning. He brushed his teeth, combed his hair and walked down to the kitchen.
She was preparing a school lunch for their son Luke.
" Have a good day and give Luke a big hug from me". He gave her a peck on the cheek. " I'll see you when I get home". He opened the garage door and brought out the bike that he had customized himself. He put on his helmet, his gloves, strapped on the duffel bag, closed the garage door and started out.
It was a beautiful Monday morning as he signaled left and turned onto Tulip Lane. New houses were being built and he was curious to see that. He knew that 4343 was the only lot left to be built on and as he rode up to it, he noticed a Sold sign where previously it was for sale. " Somebody finally bought this huge lot" he muttered out loud as he rode up to the curb in front of it and stopped. Construction barriers were already set up so Roger knew they must be starting on it already. He glanced at his watch and then pedaled fast knowing that he had to get to work.

research help: ' The Day Christ Died' by Jim Bishop

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mark 4:21-23 page 3

Mark 4:21-23 page 3 by ric gustafson

Elaine Marshall brought the white box into the kitchen and put it on top of the countertop.
" What's in the box?" Milton Marshall asked as he ate a tuna salad sandwich.
" A lamp I bought at the store". She lifted it out of the box and put it on the living room table.
He walked into the room and stared at what she had just bought. " That's an ugly lamp Elaine".
" I realize it's plain and faded". She looked at it. " But I like it".
One day, she came home and noticed that the lamp was missing. " Milton, what happened to the lamp?".
He walked out of the bathroom and gave her a guilty look. " I couldn't stand staring at that ugly lamp so I hid it under the bed".
She gave him an angry look as she got the lamp from under the bed and put it back on the living room table. " Give it a month and see if your attitude about it changes".
As each day passed, he began to notice that the faded and plain green lamp complemented the table and the room. That small green lamp became a part of the room and their lives.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Busch page 6

Busch page 6 by ric gustafson

August ' Gussie' Busch Jr  married Marie Christy Church on April 27 1918. Gussie was nineteen and Marie was twenty two. By the time Gussie was a teenager, he was a championship rider and carriage driver. He was brash, blunt and had a reputation for romancing women of all ages. The Busch Church wedding took place at Marie's mother's home and was attended by St Louis upper crust society.
Gussie was nicknamed the Alpha Busch and it stuck. The marriage produced two daughters, Lilly in 1923 and Carlota in 1927. Tragedy struck in January 1930 when Marie contracted pneumonia and died. Gussie married Elizabeth Overton Dozier in 1933 and she had three children from her previous marriage. Their marriage was rocky as she had a dependence on alcohol and prescription drugs.
The brewery continued with it's many problems with Gussie as it's vice president. The Federal Alcohol Control Administration established codes for fair competition which affected the relationship they had with their distributors. The brewery now had to put together a network of wholesalers around the country and give them a commission. Congress also raised the federal excise tax from two dollars a barrel to five dollars a barrel. The brewery was still number one in beer sales selling more than a million barrels in 1934 and 1935. The brewery was still operating in the red and it's two competitors, Pabst and Schlitz were closing in fast.

research help: ' Bitter Brew' by William Knoedelseder

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Mark 4:21-23 page 2

Mark 4:21-23 page 2 by ric gustafson

Mary was dusting the display shelf when the middleaged woman slowly walked into the aisle. She began to study the lamps.
" May I help you?".
" I'm looking for a lamp" she replied in a quiet voice. " So far none of them interest me".
" We have several beautiful lamps" Mary said as she resumed dusting them. " I'm sure you'll find one that you like".
Elaine Marshall knelt down and began to seperate some of the lamps. She took out the faded green lamp and handed it to Mary. " This small lamp has caught my eye".
" You don't want this plain little lamp" Mary replied as she tried to change her mind. " We have many beautiful lamps".
" I'll take this one" she said as she held up the small lamp. " I also want a plain lampshade".
Mary handed her a lampshade and she took it up to the checkout stand.
The young clerk shook her head in frustration and went back to her dusting duties.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mark 4:21-23 page 1

Mark 4:21-23 page 1 by ric gustafson

Mary Mikon yawned and adjusted her name badge. The new store was a bustle of activity as the new employees began to set up their aisles. The World of Lamps was having their grand opening tomorrow and Mary had to get her aisle organized and set up.
She began to take lamp shades out of a box and organize them on a shelf. The lamps that she had to organize were all different designs and colors. The lamp shades were also beautiful designs.
As she organized the aisle, she heard a noise behind her.
" How is it going Mary?".
" Fine so far". She grinned at her new supervisor. " The aisle will be finished by the time I leave".
" Good" her new supervisor Judith replied. " Our grand opening is tomorrow".
As she organized the lamps, one small one caught her eye. It had a faded green color and looked very plain. It stood out among the beautiful lamps. She put the small lamp in the back of the shelf behind the others so no one would notice it.

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Great Supper page 2

The Great Supper page 2 by ric gustafson

Howard scratched off Mr Dworak's name and put the card aside. He pulled out another card from the rolodex and took a sip from his diet coke. He dialed the number. " Hello, is this Justin Koch?".
" Yes, it is".
" This is Howard Moore, assistant to Lee Eldon".
" How is Lee doing, I haven't seen him in several years".
" He's doing fine and is inviting you to a big supper party he is hosting".
" Sure, tell Lee I'll be there".
" Thanks". He hung up the phone and put his card on top of Mr Dworak's.
He yawned and pulled out a third card. He dialed the number. " Hello, is Don Butler there?".
" I'm Don Butler".
" I'm Howard Moore, assistant to Lee Eldon".
" How is Lee these days?".
" He's doing well and he is inviting you to a supper party that he is hosting".
" Of course, tell Lee I'll attend".
" Thank you". He hung up the phone and put his card on top of the other two. He smiled and closed the rolodex knowing that he had accomplished his task as well as he could.

research help: ' All the Parables of the Bible' by Herbert Lockyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

4343 Tulip Lane page 1

4343 Tulip Lane page 1 by ric gustafson

Peter, Phillip and the other apostles became silent and sad to the point where the room became silent.
Jesus looked at them all with affection and love. " My little children I will be with you only a little while, where I go you cannot come".
All of them were perplexed at what he was saying.
" A new commandment I give you that you love one another as I have loved you". " Do not let your heart be troubled you have faith in God, have faith in me also".
Jesus knew their troubled hearts. " In my Father's house are many rooms, if it were not so I would not have told you". " I am going for the purpose of preparing a place for you".
The apostles began to smile and grin at each other.
" And after I have prepared a place for you, I will come back to take you home with me". " Of course you know the way I am going".
Thomas stared at Jesus. " Lord, we do not know where you are going?". " How do we know the way?".
Jesus smiled at Thomas. " I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me".

research help: ' The Day Christ Died' by Jim Bishop

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, April 15, 2013

The Great Supper page 1

The Great Supper page 1 by ric gustafson

Howard Moore opened the refrigerator and took out a diet coke. He took a glass out of the brown colored cupboard, poured the diet coke into it and walked into the spacious home office. He yawned and sat down at the roll top desk. He started looking through the phone rolodex. He had been Mr Lee Eldon's personal assistant for twenty years and enjoyed every minute of the job.
He had been given a set of instructions from Mr Eldon. He wanted to have a big supper party and he wanted to invite three of his best friends from college. For this special supper party, Mr Eldon said money was no object.
He pulled out a card out of the rolodex. He dialed the number. " Hello, is Mr Clyde Dworak there". " Hello, this is Howard Moore Mr Lee Eldon's assistant".
" I haven't seen Lee in years". The voice paused. " How is Lee doing?".
" He's fine and I'm calling to tell you he's inviting you to a big supper party he is planning".
" Sure". The voice paused. " Tell Lee i'll be there".

research help: ' All the Parables of the Bible' by Herbert Lockyer

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Spiritual Walk: being a witness for Jesus Christ

The Spiritual Walk: being a witness for Jesus Christ by ric gustafson

When we become a follower of Jesus Christ, non believers will watch you very closely. Jesus wants us to be witnesses of himself. Followers of Jesus are scrutinized by others because they represent Jesus and his message. Matthew 5:16 says that Jesus commands us to let our light shine. Sometimes we try to hide our wordly desires but Jesus wants us to live by a higher standard.
Unbelievers walk around in spiritual darkness and don't realize it. Their lives are aimless and without purpose and direction. In Ephesians 4, the Apostle Paul tells us of four things that we need to change in our lives. The first is lying which Paul says that we need to put on truth instead. The second is sinning in anger which Paul says we need to reach for peace and reconciliation instead. The third is stealing which Paul says we should get a job and do something good. The fourth is corrupt communication and Paul tells us instead to use good words to say about others.
Our spiritual walk continues until the day we go home to be with Jesus. My prayer with these devotions is that we always stay on that walk and never get off that narrow path.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: ' Life Overflowing' by T.D. Jakes

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Spiritual Walk: walking in humility and strength

The Spiritual Walk: walking in humility and strength by ric gustafson

Acts 20:19- ' serving the Lord with all humility'

The Apostle Paul served the Lord with all humility and Jesus wants us to do the same. When we have an attitude of humility, the Holy Spirit can teach and strengthen us. God will give us wisdom and power to prevail over temptations and trials that Satan will send against us. On the other hand, if we have an attitude of proudness and pride strictly in ourselves, the Holy Spirit cannot help us and we could fail and fall.
The Apostle Paul taught that the Word of God is the most powerful spiritual weapon that we have. I John 2:15-16 says that we need to stop loving the world, lust and the pride of life. God gives us the strength to take back our sinful lives and tear down the strongholds Satan has on our hearts. As believers of Jesus Christ, we have the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. God's Holy Word strengthens our christian lives and helps us resist the attacks of Satan.

research help: ' Life Overflowing' by T.D. Jakes

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Busch page 5

Busch page 5 by ric gustafson

Adolphus III and Gussie promised their father August A to keep the company going during Prohibition. Over the span of thirteen years, the brewery survived by making different products. The company made rail cars, truck bodies, cabinets, ice cream, barley malt syrup and baker's yeast. The brewery lost $ 2.5 million in 1919, $ 1.6 million in 1920 and $ 1.3 million in 1921.
August A had to borrow $ 6.5 million from family and banks to keep the brewery going. Prohibition took a heavy toll in St Louis where 40,000 brewery jobs were lost. August A complained to both Presidents Harding and Coolidge about the enforcement of Prohibition. When Franklin Roosevelt became President in 1932, part of his platform was the total repeal of Prohibition. In February of 1933, Congress proposed the Twenty First Amendment which repealed the Eighteenth Amendment.
Out of 1300 breweries before Prohibition, only 164 survived. It had taken it's toll on August A because his health started to fail including heart disease, gout and edema. Distraught over his health and his company, he shot himself with a 32 caliber pistol and died. More than 10,000 people paid their respects at Grant's Farm. He was buried in a nearby cemetery overlooking his mansion.
His estate was worth $ 3.4 million including 23, 889 shares of Anheuser Busch stock.
Adolphus III became the brewery's president and Gussie general manager and vice president.

research help: ' Bitter Brew' by William Knoedelseder

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Spiritual Walk: walking in the Holy Spirit

The Spiritual Walk: walking in the Holy Spirit by ric gustafson

When we become a believer of Jesus Christ, the first thing that changes is that the Holy Spirit enters our heart. The joy of that is that he stays there forever. When the Holy Spirit enters our heart, we are sealed until the day of redemption. On that day, we enter God's direct presence. When we are sealed by the Holy Spirit, we enjoy the protection of Jesus.
In Ephesians 4:30, the Apostle Paul warns us not to grieve the Holy Spirit. He points out six ways that we can do that. Bitterness is our decision not to forgive others. Wrath is the desire to do revenge against someone. Anger is manifested in a desire for power and getting what we think we deserve. Clamor is rooted in feeling frustrated and dissatisfied. Evil speaking will keep a believer from thinking the thoughts of Jesus and witnessing his love. Malice is motivated by hatred and that is the opposite of love.
When we are kind and forgive each other, the Holy Spirit can fully work in us and that makes God very happy.

research: ' Life Overflowing' by T.D Jakes

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

No Time chapter 1 page 3

No Time chapter 1 page 3 by ric gustafson

Father Time walked out from behind the black curtain. " I can repair your watch but it will take me a few hours".
" A few hours!" Bryson replied loudly. " Because of my job, I need it as soon as possible".
" I understand". He looked at the young man with compassion. " In the meantime, I was wondering if you could do me a favor".
" What's that?".
" Our company car broke down and Jessica needs a lift to deliver a watch to a customer".
" What's the address?".
Father Time wrote on a piece of scratch paper and then handed it to Bryson. " 112 North 157th St".
Jessica smiled at Bryson. " I would appreciate the lift".
" Ok".

research help: ' The Timekeeper' by Mitch Albom

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, April 11, 2013

the end of days: Revelation 8 page 1

the end of days: Revelation 8 page 1 by ric gustafson

Rory walked into the collapsed hallway and slowly made his way toward his mother's apartment. He looked out a window to see a huge crater in the middle of the street. He noticed that the front door of Apartment 15 was a ajar.
" Mother" he said loudly as he quietly opened the door and stepped inside. The small apartment was a shambles with concrete littering the floor and a collapsed roof. " Mother, where are you?".
" Rory, I'm in here".
He opened the closet door to reveal his terrified mother.
" Oh Rory" she said as she hugged her son. " I told you the wrath of the Lamb was coming".
" Mother, this was not the wrath of Jesus". He hugged his mother tighter. " This was just a natural occurance".
" Rory, this was the wrath of the Lamb".
" Mother, this was not caused by the God that you believe in".
She shook her head. " My son, I worry about your eternal destination".
" Mother don't worry about me, Carlo will protect me".

research help: original story and ' Soul Harvest' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: Carlo page 5

the end of days: Carlo page 5 by ric gustafson

It was late afternoon and Rory yawned as he stopped at a red light. He was heading back to the office after an afternoon meeting and he was tired. The previous night, his mother was telling him to be careful about his new boss and master Carlo Simpato. She was also worried that he might be this so called AntiChrist. He shrugged off this notion knowing that Carlo was trying to help the One World not hurt it.
He stared through the windshield and noticed that he could see the moon already. He also noticed that it looked red which was strange. As he drove, he saw a small piece of concrete hit the hood. " What in the world" he muttered loudly as a bigger chunk hit the roof. He looked in horror as office buildings began to sway and shake and pieces of the buildings shattered to the ground.
The earth began to shake and a long fissue began to form in front of Rory's car. He stomped on the brakes but the car went hood first into the fissue. He got the driver door open and crawled to the top of the fissue. He ran amid falling concrete to a wall of a nearby office building. He was scared because it was dark out even though it was only late afternoon.
As he stared at the blood red moon, he noticed huge flaming rocks coming down from the sky. One hit the ground near his feet. Rory looked up and cursed God. " Carlo, please save me".
Eventually, the destruction stopped and the late afternoon sun came back out.

research help: original story and ' Nicolae' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: Carlo page 4

the end of days: Carlo page 4 by ric gustafson

Rory walked into the apartment and saw his mother putting a plate of roast on the table. " Hello Mother". He gave her a peck on the cheek.
" Hi Rory" she replied as she turned on the TV and sat down. " Dinner is ready".
He dished out some roast, vegtables and potatoes onto their plates. " How was bible study earlier today?".
" Fine, we were studying Revelation 6 and the wrath of the Lamb".
" The wrath of the Lamb?".
She watched the TV as she ate. " Rory, why do you follow that madman?".
He took a bite of his roast. " Mother, he's trying to save the One World from destruction".
" Rory, in bible study we've been studying Revelation and the AntiChrist".
" The AntiChrist?".
" I worry that this Simpato you follow is this AntiChrist".
" Mother, how can someone who's trying to save the world from destruction be an AntiChrist".
" Mother, I need to get back to the office to finish up some work".
" Rory, promise me you will think about what I said".
" I promise".

research help: original story and ' Nicolae' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Spiritual Walk: walking in unity

The Spiritual Walk: walking in unity by ric gustafson

When we become a believer of Jesus Christ, we can smile knowing that we do not do our spiritual walk alone. In Ephesians 4, the apostle Paul tells us to keep the unity of the Spirit in the Lord of peace. The apostle is expressing that if believers care for each other, the church can be one. Getting along with each other takes effort but the glorious result is unity and peace.
The Holy Spirit can do wonders if he is living and walking in us. The power of God can be strong if the body of God is united. In Ephesians 4, it says that there is one body, one Spirit, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all. When disagreements and pride come to the forefront of the body, disunity can occur. God's people need to be unified on one point. That point is that Jesus is our Lord and the head of the body of Christ. The Bible says that when his people are united, nothing will be withheld from them.

research help: ' Life Overflowing' by T.D. Jakes

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Busch page 4

Busch page 4 by ric gustafson

In October 1913, Adolphus Busch died and an estimated 100,000 people lined the route to the cemetery. He left an estate estimated at 60 million dollars and it was divided evenly among his seven surviving children. At this time, Anheuser Busch stock was paying around eight thousand a share.
August Sr became president of the company and the headaches that came with it. The Anti Saloon League lobbied to ban alcohol on a state to state basis and tried to pass a constitutional amendment for a national prohibition. In June of 1914, the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand started World War I. Growing resentment toward the Busch family started because of their ties to Germany and Kaiser Wilhelm. Because of the resentment, Budweiser sales dropped to 12 million in 1917. On December 8 1917, the 18th Amendment was passed. This amendment banned the sale of alcoholic beverages nationwide. August Jr dismissed the amendment as an attempt to substitute the authority of law. He vowed to keep the company going no matter what he had to do.

research help: ' Bitter Brew' by William Knoedelseder

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

the end of days: Carlo page 3

the end of days: Carlo page 3 by ric gustafson

Carlo watched as some of his followers slowly approached the fence.
" And it shall come to pass in the last days says God that I will pour out of my Spirit on all flesh".
" We all know that you are quoting from Acts" Carlo said loudly as he walked toward the fence. " What you are saying is nothing new".
" Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy".
He looked at his followers. " Are you believing these two?".
" Your young men shall see visions".
" Stop scaring my followers or you'll be sorry".
" Your old men shall dream dreams".
" Are you going to listen to me or these two?".
" You Carlo" yelled the group of followers.
" I will show signs in the earth beneath blood, fire and vapor of smoke".
" I have had enough of you two". He began to walk away.
One of the two pointed a finger at Carlo. " The sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon into blood".

research help: original story and ' Nicolae' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

The Spiritual Walk: being a prisoner for the Lord

The Spiritual Walk: being a prisoner for the Lord by ric gustafson

Ephesians 4:1- as a prisoner for the Lord, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have recieved.

Those who believe are the body of Christ and we represent God in the world. I believe that God wants us to start our spiritual walk by walking out his plan. In Ephesians 2:10 it says that we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus. Jesus wants to show us his plan and teach us how to walk in him.  To be a prisoner for the Lord means to be totally in subjection to Jesus.
This spiritual walk involves walking in step with the Lord and staying in beat with the Holy Spirit. One day, the call of God will come and how we respond to that call is very important. God's calling will urge us to do something outside of our grasp and comfort zone. God wants us to take a step forward and have faith in him. When we walk in Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit is always beside us and our walk will head toward our ultimate goal. That goal and call is to be conformed to the image of Christ Jesus and that pleases God very much.

research help: ' Life Overflowing' by T.D. Jakes

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a mustard seed page 4

a mustard seed page 4 by ric gustafson

80 year old Homer McGinn was stacking boxes of cans when he heard a noise behind him.
" Homer, are you about done?".
He turned to see Diane Jabro, the director of the homeless shelter, smiling at him. " Just about Mrs Jabro".
After he had finished stacking the boxes of cans, he followed Diane to the area where the residents eat. He noticed that the Mayor and some other city officials had come. Homer figured they were about to honor somebody.
The Mayor picked up a microphone. " Homer, can you come forward?".
In shock, he walked over to where the Mayor stood.
" Homer, in honor of your hard work and dedication to the Cans for the Homeless campaign". He hesitated. " I'm here to present you with this plaque and thanks from myself and the city". He handed the microphone to Homer.
" Since I was a kid, I have wanted to help the homeless". He stared at the plaque and tears welled up in his eyes. " I give God all the glory and I believe that it has been my ministry".
Residents who were eating their lunch stood up and clapped their thanks.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: a Pastor Tyler sermon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, April 8, 2013

a mustard seed page 3

a mustard seed page 3 by ric gustafson

Homer and Michael Nixon walked into the conference room and sat down.
At 10:00, Richard Jones, CEO of the firm, walked behind the podium. " Before we start the weekly staff meeting". He smiled at his employees. " Homer, will you please stand up?".
Homer reluctantly stood up.
" Ladies and gentlemen, the Cans for the Homeless campaign which was started by Homer has become a huge success".
Everyone clapped.
" Would you like to say something Homer?".
He stood up and walked up to the podium. " I want to thank everyone who has helped me with this project". He gave his coworkers a serious look. " This is something I've been very passionate about since I was a kid and saw a sad man searching through a dumpster".
Mr Jones shook Homer's hand. " Thank you Homer for sharing your dream with us".
Everyone stood up and clapped.

research help: a Pastor Tyler sermon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a mustard seed page 2

a mustard seed page 2 by ric gustafson

Homer opened his locker and put in his science textbook. He noticed a friend. " Hi Rog".
" Hi Homer". He took out a math book out of his locker and closed the door.
" Rog, will you help me with a school project that I started?".
" Sure, what's that?".
" I'm starting a Cans for the Homeless campaign" he said as he closed his locker. " I sure could use your help".
" Sure". They began to walk down the hallway. " You sure are passionate about it".
" Ever since I was young and saw that sad man looking into that dumpster for something to eat".
" Yes I'll help you". He opened a door to walk into class. " I'll recruit some of my friends to help also".

research help: a Pastor Tyler sermon

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, April 6, 2013

a mustard seed page 1

a mustard seed page 1 by ric gustafson

Homer McGinn ran around the corner of the vestibule and then stopped.
" Homer, stop!" Emily McGinn tiredly said as she caught up to her son.
" Mommy". He pointed toward a white box that was on top of a brown plastic coffee cart. " Can I have a cookie?".
" Just one". She handed him a chocolate chip cookie.
" Mommy, what are those people doing?". He was watching people put cans into a large decorated box.
" They are putting cans of food in there to help feed people without a home".
" People without a home?".
" Remember the man we saw downtown looking through the big green trashcan".
" Mommy, he looked so sad".
" Honey, would you like us to bring a can of food next Sunday so you can put it in the box?".
Homer nodded.
The following Sunday, he put a can of green beans into the box.

research help: a Pastor Tyler sermon

Everyone have a great Saturday. Love Ric

the road to Emmaus page 3

the road to Emmaus page 3 by ric gustafson

As they walked, Cleopas and his friend listened as the stranger explained many things to them. Beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he told them things concerning himself in all the Scriptures.
The stranger looked up to see that they were approaching the village. " I'm traveling farther down the road".
Cleopas's friend spoke up. " Stay with us for it is getting toward evening and the day is now nearly over".
The stranger agreed and he entered their house. They reclined at a table and the stranger took bread, blessed it and then broke it. He handed them pieces of the bread.
Cleopas's eyes and the eyes of his friend were suddenly opened. At that moment, they recognized the stranger as Jesus. Just as suddenly, Jesus vanished from their sight.
The two of them that very night returned to Jerusalem and told the others that they had seen the Lord.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, April 5, 2013

Busch page 3

Busch page 3 by ric gustafson

Adolphus Busch came to the US in 1857 at the age of eighteen. These German immigrants migrated to an area nicknamed the German triangle. The major cities in this area were Cincinnati, Milwaukee and St Louis. Busch landed in New Orleans and traveled up the Mississippi River to St Louis. In 1857, one quarter of the town's residents were German born.
In 1859, Busch bought a brewery supply company and named it Wattenberg, Busch and Company. One of his customers was Eberhard Anheuser who owned a failed bavarian brewery. In 1861, Busch married Lilly Anheuser. In 1879, the Anheuser Busch Brewing Association was started. Eberhard died in 1880 so Adolphus became the major stock holder of the company.
The first thing Adolphus did as owner was obtain the recipe for a crisp pale lager produced by monks in a bohemian village named Budweis. The locals called this lager Budweiser. Adolphus pasteurized his product so he could bottle it and store it without spoilage. He built railside icehouses that became a nationwide distribution network. Busch turned Budweiser into America's first national brand of beer. Between 1870 and 1900, Anheuser Busch became the largest brewer in the US.

research help: ' Bitter Brew' by William Knoedelseder

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the road to Emmaus page 2

the road to Emmaus page 2 by ric gustafson

" The things about Jesus the Nazarene who was a prophet mighty in deed and word in the sight of God and all the people".
His friend spoke up. " The chief priests and our rulers delivered him to the sentence of death and crucified him".
Cleopas sighed. " We were hoping that it was he who was going to redeem Israel".
" And then something happened?".
" What happened?" Jesus replied.
Cleopas scratched his chin. " After three days, some of the women went to the tomb early in the morning and did not find his body".
" The women said that they had seen a vision of angels who told them that he was alive". His friend grinned at Jesus. " Some of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it exactly as the women had said".
Jesus looked at them with loving eyes. " O foolish men and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken, was it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and to enter into his glory".

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, April 4, 2013

the road to Emmaus page 1

the road to Emmaus page 1 by ric gustafson

Cleopas and his friend walked along the dusty road and knew they were near the village of Emmaus. The village was about seven miles from Jerusalem and both of them were tired and sad. They had just witnessed the brutal death of their teacher and savior. They were discussing that as they walked. They came up to a crossroads and Cleopas looked to his left to see a young man approach. He had a dark beard and gave each of them a smile.
" Would you mind if I walk with you toward the village?".
" No". The three of them started to walk down the road.
As they walked, Jesus listened to their conversation.
Cleopas wondered if he had seen the stranger before. He could not place his face.
" What are these words that you are exchanging with one another as you are walking?".
Both men stopped and stared at the stranger with confusion on their faces.
Cleopas spoke up. " Are you the only one visiting Jerusalem and unaware of the things which have happened here in these days?".
Jesus looked at their bewildered faces. " What things?".

research help: The Ryrie Study Bible

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

God's Glory: quiet love

God's Glory: quiet love by ric gustafson

Have you ever been somewhere where you just stopped in silence and were speechless. Maybe it was the beauty of the Grand Canyon or the mist and rain of Niagara Falls. Zephaniah 3:17 talks about this quiet love. The Prophet says that the Lord your God is among you and will bring quietness with his love.
God's love is mighty and more than we could ever deserve. His love for us is immense because he loves us that much. He loves us so much and wants our love, affection and devotion.
But as sinful people, sometimes we take that love for granted. Instead of being quiet, we whine and complain. We need to recognize and thank God for all the blessings that we have. God also reveals his love through his Word. If we can be quiet, listen and reflect on God's glory, we will discover that God reveals his glory and love at any expense.

research help: ' Glory Revealed' by David Nasser

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: Carlo page 2

the end of days: Carlo page 2 by ric gustafson

Rory was sitting in the new One World auditorium listening to his leader when his cell phone rang. " Hello".
" I want to thank everyone who has helped the One World to become a one currency society".
" Hi Mom".
" I will be initiating a tax on all electronic money transfers which will help fill our financial coffers".
" Yes, I will visit you after the conference is over".
" I'm here to tell you that I have ambitious plans for the One World global community".
" Please tell us" yelled the crowd.
" I plan that eventually all commerce, industry and all media will be under One World control".
" We love you" chanted the crowd.
" I will take care of you forever". Carlo stretched out his arms in love. " You do believe that don't you".
" Yes we love you" the crowd cried as they chanted and began to dance in the aisles.

research help: original story and ' Nicolae' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Busch page 2

Busch page 2 by ric gustafson

On April 7 1933, a huge crowd gathered at the intersection of Broadway and Pestalozzi in South St Louis. When midnight came, a party in the street started. Prohibition had officially ended. Inside the Busch plant, the conveyor belts started running and brewery president August Busch Sr and his two sons Adolphus III and August Jr posed for pictures. Full repeal would not occur for eight months but FDR asked Congress to pass the Volstead Act which set up the date for April 8.
Busch Sr spent more than seven million dollars modernizing his plant, purchasing supplies and buying expensive bohemian hops for his famed Budweiser. To advertise, August Jr bought several teams of Clydesdale draft horses. He also found two wooden wagons from the days when the company delivered beer from horse and wagon. The horses and the wagons were kept from view in the Circular Stable so he could surprise his father.
At 12:01, a plant whistle blew and beer trucks began to head down city streets. 130 freight cars were waiting at the Busch train yard to be loaded with bottled Budweiser for Chicago and Milwaukee.
August Jr proclaimed that beer was back and he was right in a big way.

research help: ' Bitter Brew' by William Knoedelseder

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: Carlo page 1

the end of days: Carlo page 1 by ric gustafson

Rory sat in the audience as his leader slowly walked up the four wooden steps to the podium. He took a sip from a bottled water next to him. " Citizens of the One World community, with a heavy heart I bring you news of a plot to overthrow me".
" No!" yelled the crowd.
Carlo raised a hand to silence the crowd. " I am a man of peace but as your leader I cannot let this rebellion continue".
Rory smiled in agreement.
" Exactly four hours ago, major cities in the US and all over the world were decimated by nuclear bombs".
Rory knew his bank supplied the funding for those bombs.
" I plan no more attacks unless I need to". He slammed a fist on the podium. " But if I am provoked I will not hesitate to use force".
The crowd stood and cheered for their leader.
" Thank you for your support and approval". Smiling, he stepped down and began to shake hands.
Rory's admiration for his new leader just grew.

research help: original story and ' Nicolae' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Great Harvest 101 page 2

The Great Harvest 101 page 2 by ric gustafson

Mr Freeman stared at the clock. He saw it was time to start the class. " It's 6:00, let's get started". He looked at the class. " Your assignment was to study Matthew 9:37-38". " Can anybody tell me what it says?".
A hand went up.
" Yes Erin".
" Mr Freeman, it's says the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few".
" That's right and we will talk about that prayer request in depth". He looked at the students. " Who do you think is the Lord of the Harvest in this passage?".
Another hand went up.
" Yes Bryan".
" Jesus".
" That's right and next week we will study why Jesus is called the Lord of the Harvest".

research help: Turning Points April 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Busch page 1

Busch page 1 by ric gustafson

On May 13 2008, several hundred Anheuser Busch distributors eagerly awaited the man of the hour. That man was August Busch IV, the President and CEO of Anheuser Busch Inc. He was called ' The Fourth' and this was an important event for the company. This event coincided with the seventy fifth anniversary of the repeal of Prohibition.
Busch had a lot to talk about that night. Beer sales were on the decline. Milwaukee's Miller Brewing had merged with a London based firm to become SABMiller. Canada's Molson had merged with Colorado's Adolf Coors to form Molson Coors. And Interbrew SA had merged with Brazil's AmBev to create InBev.
Anheuser Busch was still the most profitable maker in the US with about fifty percent of all beer sales. But the company was now number two in volume and it's stock price had gone flat. Busch the Fourth knew that InBev was interested in a takeover. Busch said not on his watch.
Busch the Fourth was the sixth Busch to head the St Louis based brewery. Busch's great great grandfather Adolphus Busch founded the company right after the Civil War. Over five generations the family had taken a small bankrupt brewery to a giant that pumped out more than 100 million barrels a year. Budweiser was now the most popular beer on the planet.
Everyone waited patiently for August Anheuser Busch IV to arrive.

research help: ' Bitter Brew' by William Knoedelseder

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Titanic: The Ocean Dock

Titanic: The Ocean Dock by ric gustafson

This dock was first excavated in 1908 by the London  and Southwestern Railway Company. This was at the time of Southampton's golden age because after the turn of the century, it became Britain's preferred transatlantic terminus.
Southampton sits at the mouth of the Itchen and Test which are two rivers flowing south. French, Dutch, German and Scandinavian steamers have used the port. In 1907, White Star began to use the port docking the Teutonic, the Majestic and the Oceanic. Those ships were moored at the Empress Dock which was on the Dock's eastern side.
It was decided to build  a wet dock for Olympic class vessels. This dock called Ocean Dock completed the dock peninsula of Southampton. The sides of the dock were 1,600 feet and the depth was 40 feet at low water.The berths along the dock's western side were all numbered. Berth 44 along the eastern side was where Ocean Terminal I sat. April 2 1912, the Titanic stopped at the turning ground outside Ocean Dock. It was turned 180 degrees and then was secured in Berth 44. During the following week, a lifeboat drill took place by Officers Lowe and Moody.
Getting enough coal for the huge ship was a major trouble. A national coal strike was taking place and would not end until April 10 the day Titanic sailed. The coal from five ships were plundered so the Titanic could sail on time and without delay.

research help: ' Titanic Tragedy' by John Maxtone Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Great Harvest 101 page 1

The Great Harvest 101 page 1 by ric gustafson

Mr Freeman smiled as he watched the students slowly walk in and sit down. Some he recognized and some he did not. He looked at the clock and saw that it was 6:00. " Let's get started". He walked over to the white board and wrote something on it. " Good evening students, my name is Mr Freeman". He wrote something else. " This class is called The Great Harvest 101".
He began to hand something out. " Here is your syllabus for the quarter". He went slowly through it explaining every page. " Did anybody here take my last class Spiritual Pathways 101?".
A few hands went up.
" Good" he said as he wrote a bible verse on the white board. " I hope that this class will help with your daily walk also". " Our Introduction for your homework this week is I would like you to ponder one bible verse".
He pointed at the board. " That bible verse is Matthew 9:37-38". He smiled at the students. " Ponder that bible verse this week and we will talk about it next class".

research help: Turning Points April 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric