Sunday, March 31, 2013

the end of days: the rider of the white horse page 5

the end of days: the rider of the white horse page 5 by ric gustafson

Carlo walked outside and immediately saw what the trouble was.
Standing next to the Wailing Wall were the two witnesses.
" Kill them"  Carlo yelled to two nearby soldiers.
As they advanced on the two, one of the witnesses pointed a bony finger and burned the two to ash.
Thousands of Carlo's followers stepped back to a safe distance in fear.
One of the witnesses pointed at Carlo. " Someday you will desecrate and defile this Temple".
" That is not true". He grinned at his followers. " Isn't there anyone among you who is brave enough to shoot down these two?".
The other witness pointed at Carlo. " Believers in God dwell in the Temple of the Holy Spirit not in man made Temples".
Carlo stared at his followers. " Do you want to listen to them or me?".
" You Carlo you".
One of the two witnesses pointed at Carlo's followers. " There are no Gods other than the True God".

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: original story and ' Tribulation Force' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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