Thursday, March 7, 2013

the end of days: rapture page 2

the end of days: rapture page 2 by ric gustafson

" Where are we going Dad?" Robbie asked as he glanced at a passage from Psalms.
" I thought I would show you and your mother my new office". Jim slowly drove the SUV out of the driveway and then headed east. " And then treat the two of you to Pizza Village for lunch".
" Alright pizza" their son shrieked as he put his bible on the car seat next to him. " Can we have ham and pineapple?".
" Of course" Agnes replied with a weak smile. " Jim, can you explain to me again how you got the promotion?".
" I was promoted to head of finance because of our new relationship with the UN".
" The UN?".
" United Nations Mom" Robbie replied as he opened his bible to the book of Revelation.
" Their new representative Carlo Ritelo Simpato wants to do financial business with the bank".
" Don't do business with him Dad" their son said with alarm in his voice. " Our youth bible study group has discussed that he might be the Antichrist".
" Son, I can't believe that someone who is trying to unite this world could be that bad". Fear came over his face as he turned onto Main Street.
" What's wrong Jim?".
He stared through the windshield. " Cars are going erratically and one is heading right for us".
He could hear his son's loud praying. " Please God, help us".
Jim turned the wheel sharply to avoid a head on collision.
The SUV began to roll over.
Agnes looked into the back seat before her eyes closed. " Jim, where's Robbie?".

research help: original story and ' Left Behind' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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