Thursday, March 7, 2013

betrayer page 2

betrayer page 2 by ric gustafson

My family and I were staying in Scythopolis when we heard that Herod had died. My father told me that two teachers and forty students were burned at the stake in Jericho before that happened. We came to Sepphoris and stayed with my father's cousin, Eleazar. He was a priest and was good to my brother Joshua and I. One day, he grew ill and thanks to his wife Zipporah's lamb stew recovered.
One day, Eleazar's nephew ran into the house. " They slaughtered the pilgrims".
Father fell to the ground in agony. " What happened?".
" The new king Archelaus reacted to the pilgrims throwing rocks at them in protest".
" What happened then?".
" Archelaus sent soldiers and they slaughtered three thousand pilgrims on Passover".
Father, Mother, Zipporah, Eleazar and myself wept.
During this hard time, I grew closer to my brother Joshua who was now eleven.

research help: ' Iscariot' by Tosca Lee

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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