Thursday, March 14, 2013

betrayer page 5

betrayer page 5 by ric gustafson

Judas and his mother walked quietly down the road. He studied both sides of the road because they were full of crosses. He knew that this execution was reserved for noncitizens and that they crucified them naked. The bodies were already decaying in the afternoon heat and ravens were pecking at their bodies.
Judas and his mother stopped at a cross. He looked up to see a body turned in contortion the person's legs broken. He stared closely at the person. It was his father.
They walked past the smoldering remains of houses and storefronts and bodies littering the streets. When they reached their home, they found the burned remains of Zipporah. They searched for Joshua but could not find him. Judas and his mother took his father's body down and buried him in a hillside cave.

research help: ' Iscariot' by Tosca Lee

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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