Monday, March 25, 2013

Resurrection: his suffering

Resurrection: his suffering by ric gustafson

Have we seen Jesus on the cross and not really seen him?.  The scourging and the time he suffered on the cross I have read about many times over the years. Matthew 27:30 says that they spat on him. That part of his suffering I was not as familiar with.
Spitting upon is a universal sign of hatred and disdain and normally done to someone loathed. Matthew 27:27 says that Jesus was taken into the Praetorium which was Pontius Pilate's official residence. Then the whole Roman cohort was gathered together. A Roman cohort was composed of about 480 men. The thought of some of them participating in his scourging is sad enough. But the act of spitting in one's face in defiance makes me very sad. Isaiah 53:7 says that Jesus did not open his mouth. I will always struggle to understand the depth of Christ's sacrifice for me. Luke 23:34 says that Jesus cried out ' Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing'.
I will do the same in my own life.

research help:  In Touch March 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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