Sunday, March 24, 2013

Resurrection: he's not dead

Resurrection: he's not dead by ric gustafson

We see injustice, loneliness and social rife in our world. We could ask if God is going to do something about the ills of this world. He did, his son Jesus rose from the dead. The Gospel writers made it clear that Jesus rose from the dead and walked among us. He appeared to Thomas and the others in an upper room. He talked to two disciples on the road to Emmaus. He spoke to the women at the tomb and ate fish with his disciples on the seashore.
His disciples were confused and slow to recognize their friend. All of a sudden, their friend was in their midst. The Apostle Paul said that Jesus was the first fruits of what would follow. Jesus would make all things new. When we grieve, we grieve as people with hope. We believe with hope that Jesus died and rose again . Jesus's resurrection is the good news. Jesus's rise from the dead shows his triumph over death, Satan and evil. Death does not have the final word.

research help: In Touch March 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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