Saturday, March 23, 2013

Moses page 11

Moses page 11 by ric gustafson

Moses walked along the sandy and dusty trail. He wasn't sure where he was going. With provisions from his mother and a map, he decided to walk toward Kadesh-Barnea. At night, he cried out to the God of the Hebrews to free his people.
One morning before sunrise, he entered a small village and tiredly sat down next to the well. As he sat, he prayed to the God of Abraham for guidance. He watched as a woman with black hair leading some sheep to the well. Moses watched as a shepherd shoved the woman to the ground.
He ran over and grabbed the shepherd by the throat. " Leave her alone". The shepherd ran away.
" Thank you kind Sir".
Moses fell asleep and then later woke up to see the woman standing next to him.
" My father requests that you break your fast and eat bread under my father's roof".
" I would be honored to". He stood up. " And who is your father?".
" He is the Priest of Midian". She smiled at Moses. " My name is Zipporah".

research help: ' By Way Of The Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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