Monday, March 25, 2013

Moses page 12

Moses page 12 by ric gustafson

Moses and Zipporah reached the dwelling.
A man came out and greeted them. " Greetings, my name is Jethro". He smiled at Moses. " Please come in and take bread with me".
" Thank you".
" My daughters told me what happened at the well". After the meal was over, he asked a question. " Moses, your name sounds Egyptian but you do not look Egyptian".
" I am a Hebrew" he replied. " I am the son of Amram of the tribe of Levi".
" How did you happen to end up here?".
" I am a fugitive". He sighed. " I have no place to lie my head".
" You may stay with us" Jethro said with a grin. " You can tend my flocks". He scratched his chin as he thought of something. " As far as compensation".
Moses looked at Zipporah. " Give me Zipporah for my wife and I will serve you for seven years".
" Agreed".

research help: ' By Way Of The Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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