Sunday, March 31, 2013

the end of days: the rider of the white horse page 5

the end of days: the rider of the white horse page 5 by ric gustafson

Carlo walked outside and immediately saw what the trouble was.
Standing next to the Wailing Wall were the two witnesses.
" Kill them"  Carlo yelled to two nearby soldiers.
As they advanced on the two, one of the witnesses pointed a bony finger and burned the two to ash.
Thousands of Carlo's followers stepped back to a safe distance in fear.
One of the witnesses pointed at Carlo. " Someday you will desecrate and defile this Temple".
" That is not true". He grinned at his followers. " Isn't there anyone among you who is brave enough to shoot down these two?".
The other witness pointed at Carlo. " Believers in God dwell in the Temple of the Holy Spirit not in man made Temples".
Carlo stared at his followers. " Do you want to listen to them or me?".
" You Carlo you".
One of the two witnesses pointed at Carlo's followers. " There are no Gods other than the True God".

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: original story and ' Tribulation Force' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: the rider of the white horse page 4

the end of days: the rider of the white horse page 4 by ric gustafson

Rory finished installing some software into the computer when he heard the steel door close.
" How is it going Rory?".
" Fine, Mr Simpato". He gave his new boss a tired smile. " With the offerings from your faithful followers and corporate donations, I think your financial network will be just fine".
" Good". He patted Rory's shoulder. " You are doing a great job".
" Thank you". He yawned. " I think your new Temple Mount and your new headquarters in Babylon City will work out ok".
" Thank you Rory".
A loud voice cried from outside. " Carlo, you defiler of this Temple".
" Who's that?" Rory said with a startled voice.
" I don't know". Carlo walked toward the door. " But whoever it is they will wish they never tangled with me".

research help: original story and ' Tribulation Force' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: the rider of the white horse page 3

the end of days: the rider of the white horse page 3 by ric gustafson

Rory sat in his office chair and stared through the dark office window. Downtown Copper Creek was quiet at this time of night. The office was dark and he closed his eyes to take a quick quiet nap. He heard his office door open. He opened his eyes and saw a tall lanky man with piercing blue eyes.
" Hello Rory". He smiled and shook his hand. " I'm sorry to bother you this late at night".
" I was just taking a little nap Mr Simpato".
" I know you're tired" he replied. " And how is your dear mother doing?".
" How do you know about my mother?".
" Rory, I know a lot about you". A shy grin came to his face. " In fact, I have a proposition for you".
" Any deal I would have to talk it over with Mr Harris".
" I understand" he said in a quiet voice. " But as of this morning when I bought your bank, you now work for me".
" I understand".
" Good". He pulled up a chair and sat down. " Now I would like to explain my plan".

research help: original story and ' Tribulation Force' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Jesus Christ: his desecration

Jesus Christ: his desecration by ric gustafson

Proverbs 22:1 says if a good name is to be chosen rather than great riches. Jesus is the only Son of God. He was spotless, one perfect lamb to take away our sins. In Matthew 11:18-19 Jesus's foes said that he was a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.
Jesus was slandered since he was born. It began with his birth when Mary became pregnant before she was married. Luke 5:31-32 says that Jesus came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance. Jesus was slandered for delivering people from demons. Jesus was slandered for not keeping the Sabbath and saving others but could not save himself. In the end, all that mattered was that God said to his Son,this is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased.

research help: ' Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Walmart seagull miracle page 2

the Walmart seagull miracle page 2 by ric gustafson

Alisha Gross stood next to the green file cabinet as the assistant manager looked at the computer screen.
" Do you have any retail grocery experience?".
She hesitated. " No, I don't".
Assistant Manager Kenton Marx typed that in. " Now I need to ask you some questions about how you would handle certain situations?".
" Ok". She tried to answer them the best she could.
When the questions were over, he smiled at her. " That's the hardest part of the process".
" Will you contact me then?".
" Yes". He shut down the computer. " We will be calling in a couple of days for a second interview".
" Thank You".
He stood up and shook her hand. " Thank you for coming in".
She opened the door, turned and was almost knocked down by someone coming out of the employee's break room.
Hue Minkman recognized her. " Sorry about that". He smiled at her. " How did the interview go?".
" I don't know".

Everyone have a blessed Easter Sunday

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 29, 2013

Resurrection: He is Risen

Resurrection: He is Risen by ric gustafson

Jesus is alive!. He was resurrected from the dead and lives in heaven. Because he is risen, we can have confidence for two reasons.
The first is that our sins are forgiven. Matthew 20:28 says that Jesus came into this world to give his life as a ransom for many. Because of his sacrifice and death on a cross, our debt our sins have been paid in full. Because Jesus has risen, we are a forgiven people.
Second, Jesus is involved in our lives. Jesus promises that if we abide in him and do his will, we will bear fruit for his kingdom. He promises spiritual blessings and guidance from the Holy Spirit. Jesus promises that he will listen to our prayers and if it is in accordance with God's will we will receive what we ask for according to I John 5:14-15.
Lastly, Jesus promises that he will prepare a place in heaven for us and will return one day to take us there to be with him there. That is an Easter promise we can wait eagerly for.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: In Touch March 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Resurrection: the Helper

Resurrection: the Helper by ric gustafson

John 14:16-20 explains that Jesus told his disciples that he was leaving. He promised them that he would send a Helper to abide in them forever. Jesus sits at the Father's right hand but through the Holy Spirit, dwells in us. The Holy Spirit helps us to live like Christ and to truly live in him. The Holy Spirit helps us to glorify Jesus and to do his kingdom work. The Holy Spirit's presence helps us to proclaim the Gospel, make disciples, teach his Word and care for others. The Holy Spirit helps us to be more like Jesus.
Romans 8:16-17 says as children of God, we are fellow heirs with him. The Holy Spirit helps us to have an intimate relationship with Jesus. We need to rely on God's Words instead of our own feelings. Christ needs to be the anchor in our lives through all of our challenges and trials. He sends his Helper to those who will accept him and follow him.

research help: In Touch March 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

First Century kitchen page 8

First Century kitchen page 8 by ric gustafson

First century kitchens did not have electricity, gas, refrigerators or ovens. Most people in the first century lived in towns and communities. The family typically used their courtyard which was located near the front of the house. Their fire normally was done on a brazier which was a large curved metal plate. Mixing bowls, pots and kettles were used for stewing, braising and boiling water. Some of the vessels had a narrow opening on top to keep the water from evaporating. These pots were perfect for making soups, porridges and cooking beans and lentils. Most cooking vessels were pottery and some wealthier families used copper and bronze.
Breakfast and lunch were simple meals. It may have been leftovers from a previous meal such as cheese, some olives, raisins or possibly just bread and milk. Bread was always served.
Next, we will talk about the most important meal of the day for a first century family.

research help: ' The Food and Feasts of Jesus' by Douglas Neal and Joel Pugh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

works of mercy: pray for the living and the dead

works of mercy: pray for the living and the dead by ric gustafson

Romans 6:13 says that we yield ourselves to God as men who have been brought from death to life and our members to God as instruments of righteousness. Our members to God include our tongues. God wants us to pray for the living and the dead through the power of the Holy Spirit. Praying for the living is hard because people have free will and are stubborn. Praying for the dead is important and comforting that we hope all people are safely in God's arms forever.
Thank you for being with me through exploring works of mercy.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

research help: ' The Work of Mercy' by Mark P Shea

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Resurrection: Joseph of Arimathea

Resurrection: Joseph of Arimathea by ric gustafson

Joseph of Arimathea was a member of the Sanhedrin and described as wealthy. All four Gospels describe him as just and holy. John 19:38 describes him as a secret disciple of Jesus. He kept it private for fear of being out of the favor of the religious leaders.
He was a member of the Sanhedrin which was the highest council of the ancient Jews. Luke 24:50 says that he did not consent to crucifying Jesus.
He showed his secret love for Jesus by going to Pilate and asking for the body of Jesus. He wanted to bury him in his own personal tomb. God's people who are far from perfect can grow in their faith and become the people that God wants us to be.

research help: a Janice Gilmore article

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

First Century kitchen page 7

First Century kitchen page 7 by ric gustafson

Before we sit down and have a first century meal, we need to know a little bit of where we would be eating it. Galilee was in the northernmost region of first century Palestine. The region was only thirty five miles north and south and twenty five miles east and west. It was conquered by the Assyrians in 763 BC and by the Romans in 63 BC.
Galilee is divided into two regions, Southern Galilee which includes the Plain of Esdraelon. Northern Galilee is hill country and Eastern Galilee borders the Sea of Galilee and the Jordan River. At the time of Jesus, the population was around 350,000.
Galilean Jews lived a long way from Jerusalem with Nazareth being seventy miles away. This required a three to four day walk so they did not go there very often. Eighty to ninety percent of the people of the region were involved in agricultural work. Livestock, olives and grapes were chief products. Olive oil, wine, fish and grain were exported for income. The region was home to several major trade routes. Tax collectors such as Matthew benefited from the caravans passing through.

research help: ' The Food and Feasts of Jesus' by Douglas Neal and Joel Pugh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

a garden page 1

a garden page 1 by ric gustafson

People plant gardens for different reasons. Some plant for produce and some for the beauty of it. Why did God plant the first garden?. Genesis 2:8-9 says that God planted a garden in the east in Eden. This garden had trees that grew out of the ground and were pleasing to the eye and good for food. God planted the garden with love. He created animals, plants and flowers with wonderful colors and designs. God created Eden because he loves us more than anything else. That is comforting

research help: Growing in Grace devotional

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 25, 2013

Moses page 12

Moses page 12 by ric gustafson

Moses and Zipporah reached the dwelling.
A man came out and greeted them. " Greetings, my name is Jethro". He smiled at Moses. " Please come in and take bread with me".
" Thank you".
" My daughters told me what happened at the well". After the meal was over, he asked a question. " Moses, your name sounds Egyptian but you do not look Egyptian".
" I am a Hebrew" he replied. " I am the son of Amram of the tribe of Levi".
" How did you happen to end up here?".
" I am a fugitive". He sighed. " I have no place to lie my head".
" You may stay with us" Jethro said with a grin. " You can tend my flocks". He scratched his chin as he thought of something. " As far as compensation".
Moses looked at Zipporah. " Give me Zipporah for my wife and I will serve you for seven years".
" Agreed".

research help: ' By Way Of The Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Great Oz page 4

the Great Oz page 4 by ric gustafson

" Oh no!" Oscar screamed as he began to pull on the balloon's ropes. Terror entered his eyes as the balloon was heading toward what looked like a tornado funnel. He cut the sandbags loose and cranked up the burner hoping it would lift the balloon higher. Wind lashed the basket and rain began to fall. To no avail, the balloon entered the cyclone's funnel.
Oscar sat down in the bottom of the basket as the wind bashed and battered the basket. He heard a strange noise and stood up. He watched as a mailbox, a sign and then his own carnival trailer flew by.  It hit the basket and the balloon spun up and over itself. After a while, the basket felt like it was going to tear apart. Scared, Oscar could see lightening and thunder.
" Please give me a chance" he screamed out in terror. " I promise I can change".
All of a sudden, the balloon lifted itself out of the funnel. Oscar yelled in terror as the balloon fell fast. He closed his eyes and waited for the crash that would end his life.
All of a sudden, everything went quiet.

research help: ' Oz the Great and Powerful'

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Resurrection: his suffering

Resurrection: his suffering by ric gustafson

Have we seen Jesus on the cross and not really seen him?.  The scourging and the time he suffered on the cross I have read about many times over the years. Matthew 27:30 says that they spat on him. That part of his suffering I was not as familiar with.
Spitting upon is a universal sign of hatred and disdain and normally done to someone loathed. Matthew 27:27 says that Jesus was taken into the Praetorium which was Pontius Pilate's official residence. Then the whole Roman cohort was gathered together. A Roman cohort was composed of about 480 men. The thought of some of them participating in his scourging is sad enough. But the act of spitting in one's face in defiance makes me very sad. Isaiah 53:7 says that Jesus did not open his mouth. I will always struggle to understand the depth of Christ's sacrifice for me. Luke 23:34 says that Jesus cried out ' Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing'.
I will do the same in my own life.

research help:  In Touch March 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Resurrection: he's not dead

Resurrection: he's not dead by ric gustafson

We see injustice, loneliness and social rife in our world. We could ask if God is going to do something about the ills of this world. He did, his son Jesus rose from the dead. The Gospel writers made it clear that Jesus rose from the dead and walked among us. He appeared to Thomas and the others in an upper room. He talked to two disciples on the road to Emmaus. He spoke to the women at the tomb and ate fish with his disciples on the seashore.
His disciples were confused and slow to recognize their friend. All of a sudden, their friend was in their midst. The Apostle Paul said that Jesus was the first fruits of what would follow. Jesus would make all things new. When we grieve, we grieve as people with hope. We believe with hope that Jesus died and rose again . Jesus's resurrection is the good news. Jesus's rise from the dead shows his triumph over death, Satan and evil. Death does not have the final word.

research help: In Touch March 2013

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Moses page 11

Moses page 11 by ric gustafson

Moses walked along the sandy and dusty trail. He wasn't sure where he was going. With provisions from his mother and a map, he decided to walk toward Kadesh-Barnea. At night, he cried out to the God of the Hebrews to free his people.
One morning before sunrise, he entered a small village and tiredly sat down next to the well. As he sat, he prayed to the God of Abraham for guidance. He watched as a woman with black hair leading some sheep to the well. Moses watched as a shepherd shoved the woman to the ground.
He ran over and grabbed the shepherd by the throat. " Leave her alone". The shepherd ran away.
" Thank you kind Sir".
Moses fell asleep and then later woke up to see the woman standing next to him.
" My father requests that you break your fast and eat bread under my father's roof".
" I would be honored to". He stood up. " And who is your father?".
" He is the Priest of Midian". She smiled at Moses. " My name is Zipporah".

research help: ' By Way Of The Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

works of mercy: comfort the afflicted

works of mercy: comfort the afflicted by ric gustafson

To those with afflictions, it is comforting to know that others have had the same affliction. God suffered when he sent his only Son to suffer for us. II Corinthians 1:4-6 says that God comforts us in all our afflictions. It is comforting to know others have gone through our afflictions and that Jesus suffered for us and won. The comfort is knowing that others came through the suffering we are experiencing and came to God's dwelling place. Revelation 21 says that God will wipe away all tears from our eyes. Because of shared suffering, we are comforted in our afflictions. Comforting the afflicted is a spiritual act of mercy.

research help: ' The Work of Mercy' by Mark P Shea

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 22, 2013

the end of days: rider of the white horse page 2

the end of days: the rider of the white horse page 2 by ric gustafson

Rory nervously drank from his water glass. He wasn't exactly sure what he was doing there. Just then, he noticed a dark haired man enter the restaurant and walk up to the table. " Good evening Rory".
" Hello Mr Gambino".
A waiter walked over. " Anything to drink?".
" Just water is fine". He looked at Rory. " Did Mr Harris explain why I wanted to see you in private?".
" No, not really".
" After talking to Mr Harris Rory, my boss is very interested in you".
" Me?".
He turned to the man behind the bar. " Roger, can you turn the TV on to the global news?".
" Sure". He turned it on and then turned up the volume.
" Rory, please watch".
The two men ordered dinner and watched the news.
" Well Rory, what did you think?".
" I noticed two strange looking men standing by the Wailing Wall causing trouble".
" That is correct". He took a sip of water. " And it is because of them that we need your help and your bank's financial resources".

research help: original story and ' Tribulation Force' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Moses page 10

Moses page 10 by ric gustafson

One day, an overseer was hitting a slave. All of sudden, someone grabbed his wrist.
" Stop hitting this slave".
" Who made you a judge over us". He stared at Moses. " Do you plan on killing me like you did to that Egyptian?".
Startled at his words, he ran to his mother's house. Trembling, he gave his mother a big hug.
" What's the matter my son?".
Moses explained the events to her. " Mother, I must leave".
" My son, where will you go?".
" I don't know". He embraced her again. " I am not an Egyptian any longer".
Princess Kali began to cry on her son's shoulder. " Moses, where will you go?".
" I am going to find out about this God that the Hebrews talk about".

research help: ' By Way Of The Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

works of mercy: forgive offenses willingly

works of mercy: forgive offenses willingly by ric gustafson

When we sin, God is willing to forgive and we also must be willing to receive that forgiveness. Forgiveness is only one step because God wants us to participate in the divine nature. In order to forgive sins, we must do it willingly. Our forgiveness needs to grow and we need to be more willing, generous and joyful. When we forgive sins willingly, the face of Jesus shines through us.

research help: ' The Work of Mercy' by Mark P Shea

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

the end of days: rider of the white horse page 1

the end of days: rider of the white horse page 1 by ric gustafson

Rory and his co worker Alan Saxton entered the conference room and sat down.
" Morning" Jim Harris said as he sipped coffee from a large blue mug. " Thank you for coming to this meeting on short notice".
" Why are we here Mr Harris?".
A minute later, a dark haired gentleman entered the room and put his black briefcase on top of the wooden podium. " Good morning gentlemen". He took some papers out of his briefcase. " My name is Larry Gambino and I represent the One World financial network". He nervously shuffled his papers. " My boss started this financial network so that a system of banks around the world could promote peace and good will".
Rory raised his hand. " Who is your boss?".
" More than likely you've seen him a lot on TV recently". He smiled at Rory. " My boss is Carlo Simpato".

research help: original story and ' Tribulation Force' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus Christ: his wisdom

Jesus Christ: his wisdom by ric gustafson

John 21:17 says ' Lord, you know everything'. People at that time said that no man ever spoke like him. The reason is that the wisdom and knowledge of Jesus is incomparable. Jesus's wisdom is unsurpassed. He knows our hearts, our thoughts and nothing is hidden from his eyes. Jesus knows everything what will happen to us today and tomorrow. Jesus is the only person who knows God perfectly and completely. We need to bow down and worship Jesus because he alone is worthy of our praise. We need to trust and follow Jesus always.

research help: ' Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 18, 2013

the Walmart seagull miracle page 1

the Walmart seagull miracle page 1 by ric gustafson

I quickly drove into the driveway and parked in a stall as close to the door as possible. I checked my cellphone and noticed I had two minutes to get to my interview. I was frustrated because the rush hour traffic was terrible and I did not want to be late for the interview.
I grabbed my cellphone and opened the door of my Saturn. I shut the door and quickly began to walk toward the store entrance. All of a sudden, something hit me and almost knocked me over. I stared into the blue eyes of a young man wearing a green shirt.
" Sorry" he said as he threw bread up into the sky. " I'm trying to feed these seagulls".
" I thought seagulls lived in Florida". I gave him a perplexed stare. " Not at a Walmart Neighborhood Market Store in West Omaha".
" Good question". He threw more bread up into the air and five of the white birds flew around him.
" Is this part of your job?" I said as I walked up to the swinging doors.
" Actually I'm out here to collect carts" he said with a grin. " These birds love Walmart bread".
Shaking my head, I walked into the store.

Jesus Christ: his power

Jesus Christ: his power by ric gustafson

Mark 4:41 says that even wind and sea obey him. Psalm 29 talks about thunderstorms and that the God of glory thunders. When Jesus came into the world, all nature bowed to his authority. He commands the wind and it obeys. When the disciples witnessed this, they wondered and then they worshiped. Water obeys and became solid so Jesus could walk on it.
We have a choice, we can worship Jesus or curse and reject him. When storms in life come, we have two choices. We can curse the one who rules the winds and the waves or we can praise Jesus and believe that there is a good purpose behind what just happened to us. Job trusted and praised God even in the worst of times. We should do the same.

research help: ' Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Precious Lord

Precious Lord by ric gustafson

This month is the 80th anniversary of a song that is second to ' Amazing Grace'  in terms of reaching across racial and cultural borders. In 1932, Thomas A Dorsey wrote lyrics for a song that was taken from an 1844 hymn titled ' Maitland'. ' Take my hand Precious Lord' has been published in more than 40 languages. The song talks about frustrations and trying to get through life's experiences. The song pleads that they need help and can't do it by themselves. Dorsey wrote the lyrics during trials of his own. His wife died in childbirth and their son died shortly later. He later remarried and had a son and daughter. Dorsey promoted gospel music which some people nicknamed it the devil's music. Dorsey wrote hundreds of songs including ' Peace in the Valley'.

research help: a World Herald article 3-16-13

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Moses page 9

Moses page 9 by ric gustafson

Moses heard the overseer yelling as he walked by one of the huts. He saw him shaking an old man. " Why did you shirk work today?".
" I'm sorry" the old man said as he pleaded for his life. " I was taking care of my sick wife".
" That is no excuse for being a slacker". He punched the old man in the chest and he fell to the ground.
Anger swelled in Moses's eyes. He quickly walked over and threw him onto the ground.
The overseer quickly stood up and drew a dagger to protect himself. He thrust it at Moses.
Moses was faster and held onto the overseer's wrist. He raised the overseer's wrist and dug the dagger into the Egyptian's neck. The overseer died from the sudden massive blood loss and Moses knew he had to do something about the body.
In the early morning light, he dug a grave with his bare hands and buried the body of the Egyptian. He quickly looked around to make sure nobody had seen him and then he walked away.

research help: ' By Way Of The Wilderness' by Gilbert Morris

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 15, 2013

the miracle on Titanic page 6

the miracle on Titanic page 6 by ric gustafson

David turned the brass doorknob of C-77 and walked into the elegant room.
" Excuse me Sir".
He turned to see a steward standing in the doorway. " Yes".
" I have your bags on my cart". He tipped his hat. " I am Stringfeld, your steward".
" You can bring them in and put them by that sofa".
The steward, wearing a white coat, black bowtie and trousers, put them where he asked. He walked over and handed David an envelope. " This is a welcome from Bruce Ismay and the White Star Line". He walked toward the door. " If you need me, just ring the bell that is over the desk".
" Thank you". He left and David sat down on the edge of the cherry colored bed. He noticed a light colored bedspread went up to four oversized pillows. He also noticed a brass lamp over the bed.
Just then, his mother walked in. " David, this ship is huge".
" This room is beautiful too".
" David, I'm getting tired". She gave her son a tired smile. " I'd like to rest awhile".
" Ok, I'm going to tour the ship for a while before it leaves the berth".

research help: original story and ' Queen of the Waves' by Janice Thompson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Titanic: Icebergs

Titanic: Icebergs by ric gustafson

The night of April 14 1912 was calm. The sea was calm and their was no wind or fog. The stars in the sky were bright that cold night. It was a glittering night illuminated by starlight.  The liner Carmania docked in New York and reported that at least twenty five bergs of four hundred feet were farther south than usual. Mariners were convinced that March nor'easters were driving bergs, growlers and field ice into the North Atlantic shipping lanes. The passengers did not know about the huge ice field before the ship headed into it.
Reaction to the collision was slight. The first to realize the damage were the postal officers on E Deck. Passengers started to worry when the ship stopped. Ice warnings had started earlier in the day when the liner Caronia warned of bergs, growlers and field ice. Before noon, the liners Amerika and Noordam reported much ice.
Thirty five minutes after the collision, Captain Smith ordered Phillips to send out the first CQD. The liner Carpathia received the call at oo15. Operator Harold Cottam replied and asked about getting the Captain. Phillips replied ' yes come quick'. On the Californian, Operator Cyril Evans told Phillips that their ship was stopped and surrounded by ice. Phillips replied and told him to shut up that he was jamming their signal.

research help: ' Titanic Tragedy' by John Maxtone Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 14, 2013

betrayer page 5

betrayer page 5 by ric gustafson

Judas and his mother walked quietly down the road. He studied both sides of the road because they were full of crosses. He knew that this execution was reserved for noncitizens and that they crucified them naked. The bodies were already decaying in the afternoon heat and ravens were pecking at their bodies.
Judas and his mother stopped at a cross. He looked up to see a body turned in contortion the person's legs broken. He stared closely at the person. It was his father.
They walked past the smoldering remains of houses and storefronts and bodies littering the streets. When they reached their home, they found the burned remains of Zipporah. They searched for Joshua but could not find him. Judas and his mother took his father's body down and buried him in a hillside cave.

research help: ' Iscariot' by Tosca Lee

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus Christ: his gladness

Jesus Christ: his gladness by ric gustafson

Jesus Christ is our great reward and nothing else matters. Jesus in his glory and grace will always be happy and joyful. Jesus's glory and grace is an indestructible joy that will never change or diminish. Jesus was a man of sorrows and understands our weaknesses and failures. Jesus was troubled at times but had indestructable joy at the same time.
Jesus suffered for us but had joy knowing his suffering would give us a chance to be with him forever.

research help: ' Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Titanic: Morse and Marconi

Titanic: Morse and Marconi by ric gustafson

Samuel Morse was born on April 27 1791 in Charlestown Massachusetts. After losing his wife Lucretia he devoted himself to the science of telegraphy. He experimented by sending a message along a wire. He perfected a alphabetical code by using a transmitter and receiver electrical impulses along a wire. Morse's signals were short dots and longer dashes and it became the Morse Code.
Guglielmo Marconi was born in Bologna Italy on April 25 1874. The young Marconi's interest turned to electricity. He enrolled at the Liverno Technical Institute to study physics and electricity. He learned Morse's Code and through experimentation was able to transmit without wires. In 1897, he succeeded in history's first ship to shore transmission. In 1901, the first Marconi stations were set up in Cape Cod. By 1912, almost every North Atlantic steamer was equipped with wireless and Marconi operators.
On the Titanic, the senior telegrapher was twenty five year old John Phillips. His nickname was Jack and he was a five year Marconi veteran. His partner was twenty two year old Harold Bride from Nunhead. The Marconi on board was state of the art. It ran on a five kilowatt motor generator. The room became known as the silent room and heavily insulated. The room was a typical radio shack with a desk, chairs, wall clock and brass shaded lamps.
If a passenger wanted to send a message, they first had to go to the ship's inquiries desk and fill out a telegraph form with the message. Then an assistant purser would put it into a brass cylinder and then send it into a wire basket in the radio room. Then Phillips or Bride would record the sender's name, cabin number and cable length into his logbook and then dispatch them.
Phillips and Bride were paid mostly by White Star but also by passenger and ship traffic.

research help: ' Titanic Tragedy' by John Maxtone Graham

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

the end of days: rapture page 5

the end of days: rapture page 5 by ric gustafson

Rory yawned as he put some coins into the machine. He pushed a button and then took out the danish. He sat down and put it next to a paper cup of black coffee. He quietly ate the snack and drank from his cup as he watched the replay on a nearby tv of Carlo Simpato speaking to the UN. He noticed his new boss Jim Harris walk in.
Jim looked at Rory with sad eyes. " Sorry about your loss Rory"
" I'm sorry about the loss of your son".
Jim got a cup of coffee and sat down next to his co worker. They both watched as Carlo Simpato tried to console the world of the sudden disapperance of millions.
" Jim, I don't understand what just happened". He took another bite of his danish. " Mother said it was predicted in the bible".
" I don't know either". He gave a long sigh. " Right now, our bank needs to help him financially to get this crazy world under control".
Rory took another sip of his coffee. " You are right".
" See you bright and early at the bank in the morning".
" Ok".

research help: original story and ' Left Behind' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

betrayer page 4

betrayer page 4 by ric gustafson

" Come with me Judas" Mother said as she picked up our water jar. " I need help getting water".
Joshua smiled because it meant that he did not have to go.
We walked out into the narrow alley. " Mother, why do I have to go with you?".
" Because I need help and your brother helped me the last time".
We went through the city gate and as we neared the spring, I began to hear rumbling thunder. It started at the city gate. I turned toward Mother. " Romans!".
I hear screams and an alarm from the gatehouse. A woman ran by me screaming" do not go back into the city".
Mother began screaming " My husband and son".
We ran away from the city and into the hills and hid in a cave.

research help: ' Iscariot' by Tosca Lee

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: rapture page 4

the end of days: rapture page 4 by ric gustafson

Rory walked into his mother's hospital room and saw her sitting up in the bed. " Good morning mother". He smiled at her and gave her a peck on the cheek. " How are you feeling?".
" Better". She bit into a slice of white toast. " My headache and the throbbing are gone".
" Guess who's room is just two doors down?".
" Who?".
He turned on the TV with the remote. " My new boss Jim Harris and his wife".
" Why are they here?".
" Their son vanished yesterday" he said in a hushed voice. " Just like my father did".
As Emily kept eating, they watched the chaos that was unfolding all over the world.
" Rory, I don't understand what you see in that Carlo Simpato".
" He's trying to keep the world together after what happened yesterday".
" Son, our bible study group has been studying the book of Revelation".
He looked at his mother with anger in his eyes. " So".
" I believe that what happened yesterday was predicted in the bible and is called the Rapture".
" I don't want to hear about it" he retorted. " How could a loving God take my father away like that".

research help: original story and ' Left Behind' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus Christ: his excellence

Jesus Christ: his excellence by ric gustafson

Jesus Christ shows his strength as a lion and meekness like a lamb. He shows justice and mercy to all. He shows a spirit of obedience and submission. In the book of Revelation, we see Jesus as the Lion of the tribe of Judah and as the Lamb. Jesus came on Palm Sunday as a Lion of Judah and then was slaughtered as a sacrificial lamb. Jesus Christ shows Lion and Lamb qualities and all of his glory. Eternity is written on our hearts and because of his love for us, Jesus Christ shows his excellence.

research help: ' Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 11, 2013

Jesus Christ: his deity

Jesus Christ: his deity by ric gustafson

Colossians 2:9 says for in Christ the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily. The first glory of God is the eternal existence of Christ. God says that he is Alpha and Omega the first and the last. God is absolute reality, he will always be the first and last. Isaiah 44:6 says I am the first and last besides me there is no God. In Revelation 22, Christ says that he is Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end. He proclaims in John 8:58, before Abraham was I am.
Jesus Christ was begotten from his Father not made. God the Father bears witness to the deity of his Son. The deity of Jesus Christ is that he never had a beginning.  He was always eternally begotten.

research help: ' Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Jesus Christ: his aim

Jesus Christ: his aim by ric gustafson

Psalm 19:1 says the heavens declare the glory of God. Heaven, earth and the created universe is all about the glory of God. The psalm talks about the glory of God. Our universe exists because of the glory of God. Our human heart longs to enjoy the glory of God. Isaiah 43 says that we were created for God's glory.
Creation has fallen into disorder. When we trade God's glory for earthly pleasures, chaos reigns. To start our soul healing, we need to get back to God's glory. II Corinthians 4:4 says that the glory of Christ is the image of God. The glory of Christ shows the glory of God.
The aim of Jesus Christ is that we always savor and yearn for the glory of God.

research help: ' Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ' by John Piper

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the Great Oz page 3

the Great Oz page 3 by ric gustafson

Mavis stared out the window of the trailer. " Oscar, a mob is coming".
He frowned and picked up his magic sheet. " Sorry Mavis, this happens to me all the time".
" Thank you for letting me work with you". She gave him a peck on the cheek. " You better go".
A knock came on the door. " Open up Oscar". The knocks came louder. " Come on out you phony".
Oscar put the sheet over him.
A clown burst through the door. " Mavis, where is he?".
" Zim Zim Zallah Bim".
As Freckles the Clown moved closer toward the sheet, the sheet dropped. The clown stopped and scratched his head in amazement.
Oscar was gone.
Quietly, he stepped down underneath the trailer and looked around for any signs of the mob.
" There he is!".
Oscar ran between the tents and then toward one of the circus's hot air balloons.
Freckles the Clown ran up to the basket just as Oscar got in.
He kicked him in the knee and the burly clown went down on the ground.
Oscar took out a knife and cut the rope holding the balloon to the ground.
The balloon slowly rose up into a dark and stormy Kansas sky.

research help: ' Oz, the Great and Powerful'

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 9, 2013

betrayer page 3

betrayer page 3 by ric gustafson

One day, my brother ran into the house. " Jericho is burning".
My mother had horror written on her face. " Joshua, who is doing this?".
" A rebel named Simon who is proclaiming himself king".
Later that evening, a man came to our door. He asked to speak with my father. They stepped outside.
" Joshua, who was that?".
" Judas bar Hezekiah".
" Who is that?" I asked with a strange look. " He has the same name I do".
" His father was the most famous bandit in all of Galilee".
Father came back in and said that he was leaving with him.
" Father, can I come too?".
He hesitated. " Yes Joshua you may".
I asked too. " Father, can I come also?".
" No Judas". He gave me a weak smile. " Stay home with your mother".

research help: ' Iscariot' by Tosca Lee

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 8, 2013

the end of days: rapture page 3

the end of days: rapture page 3 by ric gustafson

Emily Johnston opened her eyes and quickly glanced around the room. She noticed her son Rory sitting next to her. She tried to raise her head but couldn't because of all the throbbing.
" Mom, it's me Rory".
" Did you get my phone call?". they heard a knock on the door. " What happened?".
" Don't try to move". They heard the knock again. " You had a slight concussion".
" What's happened, where's Ross?".
" Come in".
A police officer walked in. " Sorry to bother you Mrs Johnston". He shook Rory's hand. " I'm Officer Carlson of the Copper Creek Police Department".
" What can I do for you Officer Carlson?". She looked at her son. " Rory, where's Ross?".
The officer took off his hat and put it on an open chair. " Anytime there's an accident, I have to try and ask a few questions".
Emily tried to raise her head. " I'll try to answer them".
" Mrs Johnston, do you remember where you were before the accident?".
" My husband Ross and I had started on a trip to California to celebrate his retirement".
" He turned and said he loved me". Tears began to form in her eyes.
" Then what happened?".
" Then I saw our van heading for a road barrier".
" Then what happened?".
" I turned and screamed to tell Ross we were heading for the barrier".
" What did your husband do then?".
She looked at Rory and then hesitated. " You wouldn't believe me if I told you".
" What's that Mrs Johnston?".
" I looked over and only saw Ross's clothes lying in the driver's seat". She looked at Rory. " Ross was not driving the van".

research help: original story and ' Left Behind' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 5

the miracle on Titanic page 5 by ric gustafson

" Good morning Mr Boxhall".
The fourth officer, standing on the railing to the bridge, turned and saw the smiling face of Captain E J Smith.
" A grand morning it is" the young officer replied.
The Captain had his Afghan hound by his side. " Have you been working on our course?".
" Aye Sir". They walked onto the bridge and stopped at a large map. " I have us more on a southerly route to avoid ice fields".
" That's fine for right now".
Captain Smith noticed a young man enter the wireless operator room. He knocked on the door. It opened to reveal a young man standing by something he had never seen before.
" Come in Captain, I'm Jack Phillips". He shook the Captain's hand. " Mr Bride and myself will be in charge of the Marconi wireless".
" Mr Phillips, what is the range of this wonderful new apparatus?".
" Four hundred miles by day Captain".
" Good".

research help: original story and ' Queen of the Waves' by Janice Thompson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Thursday, March 7, 2013

the end of days: rapture page 2

the end of days: rapture page 2 by ric gustafson

" Where are we going Dad?" Robbie asked as he glanced at a passage from Psalms.
" I thought I would show you and your mother my new office". Jim slowly drove the SUV out of the driveway and then headed east. " And then treat the two of you to Pizza Village for lunch".
" Alright pizza" their son shrieked as he put his bible on the car seat next to him. " Can we have ham and pineapple?".
" Of course" Agnes replied with a weak smile. " Jim, can you explain to me again how you got the promotion?".
" I was promoted to head of finance because of our new relationship with the UN".
" The UN?".
" United Nations Mom" Robbie replied as he opened his bible to the book of Revelation.
" Their new representative Carlo Ritelo Simpato wants to do financial business with the bank".
" Don't do business with him Dad" their son said with alarm in his voice. " Our youth bible study group has discussed that he might be the Antichrist".
" Son, I can't believe that someone who is trying to unite this world could be that bad". Fear came over his face as he turned onto Main Street.
" What's wrong Jim?".
He stared through the windshield. " Cars are going erratically and one is heading right for us".
He could hear his son's loud praying. " Please God, help us".
Jim turned the wheel sharply to avoid a head on collision.
The SUV began to roll over.
Agnes looked into the back seat before her eyes closed. " Jim, where's Robbie?".

research help: original story and ' Left Behind' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 4

the miracle on Titanic page 4 by ric gustafson

" What did he say Robert?" Charlene asked as she observed the young man entering the ship. " What did the officer say?".
" His name is Officer Lighttoler and he found our name in his notebook".
" I hope our room is nice" she said as she straightened her red hat.
" It's on B Deck and I'm sure it's very nice".
" Where did our trunks go?".
" A Porter took them inside and said he would take them to the purser's office".
They began to walk up the ramp toward the officer.
" What do you mean by purser's office?".
Officer Lighttoler tipped his hat. " There they will process your boarding pass and direct you toward your room".
" Thank you officer".
" No problem" he replied with a smile. " Enjoy this beautiful ship".
They walked up to the entrance. They were met by a White Star steward.
" Hello, my name is Andrew Larimore and I am Chief Steward on this ship" he said as he shook Robert's hand. " One of my stewards will take you to the purser's office".
" Thank you".

research help: original story and ' Queen of the Waves' by Janice Thompson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Trains page 3

Trains page 3 by ric gustafson

In 1776, the United States became a nation and there was not a system devised when the first railroads were debated. Railroad entrepreneurs faced a battle with local legislatures to build their lines. It was the power of the states not the federal government to grant these charters. The railroads had to obtain a charter which placed certain obligations on the railroad. These charter factors included fares, nature of the services, location of the track and the speed of the trains.
One crucial requirement of the railroad was to obtain eminent domain. This would give the railroad the right to take whatever property was needed in return for fair compensation. The railroads struggled with the courts over eminent domain and fought with canal owners and turnpike operators over land rights. There was also debate over wether railroads were for public use and wether eminent domain should be granted.
The railroads used eminent domain to select the land for their route, assessing the damage to private owners and then paying them. The railroads were so large and complex that they needed support and sometimes funding from local and the federal government. The early railroads needed the individual states to help support them with the notion that the railroads would be a boon to their economies. Railroad funding was a mixture of state subsidies and private financing. Private capital was abundant especially in states in the Northeast. Private capital funders were usually local people eager to cash in on the railroads potential. Railroad sponsors were important because it was their job to promote the railroads. The sponsors stressed the improvements the railroads would bring to the region and the cities of the states.

research help: ' The Great Railroad Revoulution' by Christian Wolmar

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

betrayer page 2

betrayer page 2 by ric gustafson

My family and I were staying in Scythopolis when we heard that Herod had died. My father told me that two teachers and forty students were burned at the stake in Jericho before that happened. We came to Sepphoris and stayed with my father's cousin, Eleazar. He was a priest and was good to my brother Joshua and I. One day, he grew ill and thanks to his wife Zipporah's lamb stew recovered.
One day, Eleazar's nephew ran into the house. " They slaughtered the pilgrims".
Father fell to the ground in agony. " What happened?".
" The new king Archelaus reacted to the pilgrims throwing rocks at them in protest".
" What happened then?".
" Archelaus sent soldiers and they slaughtered three thousand pilgrims on Passover".
Father, Mother, Zipporah, Eleazar and myself wept.
During this hard time, I grew closer to my brother Joshua who was now eleven.

research help: ' Iscariot' by Tosca Lee

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

the Great Oz page 2

the Great Oz page 2 by ric gustafson

Oscar stared through the flickering torch at the audience. " Watch as my assistant Mavis will rise in her chair into the atmosphere". He put his hands slowly over her and she began to rise in the chair.
The audience gasped.
" Arise my dear and float in the sky".
She rose up from the chair and began to float in the air. The chair crashed to the ground.
Oscar could tell the show was going well.
" I see a wire" yelled a man from the audience.
" You must be mistaken Sir".
" No, I see a wire". He pointed above Mavis. " See it's right there".
Oscar tried to calm the audience. " Folks, this is magic there is no need for wires".
" He's a fake" a woman yelled as she pointed . " I see a wire too".
He took a knife out and cut the wire releasing Mavis. She fell into his arms.
" Run Oscar".
They ran out the back flap of the tent.

research help: ' Oz, the Great and Powerful'

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 3

the miracle on Titanic page 3 by ric gustafson

David adjusted his black bowler hat as steerage passengers from Waterloo Station ran with their possesions toward the Aft ramp. " Are you ok Mother?" he asked as he noticed the growing confusion along the wide berth. People were hurrying to get on board before the ship sailed at noon.
" Yes, I'm fine" Camille replied with a sigh as she tried to drag her two trunks across the hard concrete.
" Help with those Sir" a porter asked as he reached for one of the large trunks.
" Yes" he said as he winked at his mother. " My mother and I would appreciate that greatly".
" I can put them on this rack and take them up to C Deck for you".
Camille exhaled in relief. " Thank you".
They walked up the ramp toward an officer who was wearing a blue suit and cap. He was holding a notebook.
" Welcome to the Titanic, I am Second Officer Lighttoller".
" I am David Sharpston and this is my mother Camille Sharpston".
The officer looked at his notebook. " Yes, I have you in C-77".
" Officer, this is a beautiful ship".
He smiled. " The RMS Titanic is the British Empire at it's finest".
David smiled back.
" Up the ramp here is the first class main entrance on B Deck". He pointed toward the entrance. " Once inside, a steward will take you to the purser's office".
" Why is that?".
" The purser will process your boarding pass and direct you to your cabin".

research help: original story and ' Queen of the Waves' byJanice Thompson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

the Great Oz page 1

the Great Oz page 1 by ric gustafson

Oscar Diggs walked down the muddy path toward the circus tent.
" Come Come" said the carnival worker as he pointed toward the open tent. " Come see Miss Bettylou Gumption the gunslinging sharpshooting beauty".
Oscar walked around to the rear of the large tent as a barker began to shout. " Come and see the master of magic" he said as he pointed at the open tent entrance. " He will astound and amaze you, come in to experience the Great Oz".
" Oscar" a female voice said as Oscar entered the small trailer. " You only have five minutes to get ready".
" Ok". Five minutes later, he came out of the trailer wearing a turban and a magician's coat.
" You look stunning Oscar" she said as she straightened his coat and turban.
" Thank you Mavis" he said as he smiled. " Do you remember what I want you to do during the act?".
" Of course Oscar".
He opened the back flap of the tent. " Let's do it".

research help: ' Oz, The Great and Powerful'

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the end of days: rapture page 1

the end of days: rapture page 1 by ric gustafson

Jim Harris pushed the button to close the garage door. He walked into the small well kept kitchen.
Agnes Harris was cutting up some fruit and putting them into a small bowl. " How was your day?".
" Busy as usual". He put his worn brown briefcase on top of the hutch. " The bank seems to be doing well".
" That's good". She put a pitcher of ice water on the kitchen table.
" Where's Robbie?".
" Outside against the tree reading his new bible".
He frowned. " Sometimes I wish the church had never given him that".
" Robbie" she yelled out the open kitchen window. " Come in for supper".
The thirteen year old walked in and put his bible next to his dad's briefcase. He sat down.
She poured water into their glasses. " What was the meeting at work about?".
Jim put some roast beef onto his plate. " The new UN representative from Italy, Carlo Simpato wants to do business with our bank".
" Who's working on that deal?".
" Rory Johnston".

research help: original story and ' Left Behind' by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B Jenkins

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

the miracle on Titanic page 2

the miracle on Titanic page 2 by ric gustafson

Charlene Moton held the strange envelope in her hand.
" Open it" her friend Martha Clarke said with wide eyes. " Before I have to get to my next class".
She opened it and took out a sheet of paper with an insignia at the top.
" The Titanic" her friend gushed as she almost fell off the steel bench they were sitting on. " You're going back home on the Titanic".
Charlene blushed. " I wasn't sure which ship they had booked for me".
" I envy you" she said as she toyed with her bright red hair. " I heard first class passage is very expensive on that ship".
" Remember my father does own his own construction company".
" I need to get to class". She looked at the fancy envelope. " What else is in there?".
" My itinerary and my ticket".
" I envy you" she said as she stood up and hugged her friend. " Are you going alone?".
" No, my brother is going with me".

research help: ' Queen of the Waves' by Janice Thompson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Monday, March 4, 2013

the miracle on Titanic page 1

the miracle on Titanic page 1 by ric gustafson

The bellman stopped David Sharpston in his tracks. " Help with those trunks Sir".
" Yes, thank you". His arms hurt from trying to lift his mother's trunks.
" David, we need to hurry and leave" Camille Sharpston said as she walked quickly into the hotel's lobby. " The first class passengers will start boarding in two hours".
" By the way Mother, what do you have in those heavy trunks?".
She winked at her son. " Shopping".
" Ready to go?". The bellman motioned that their transportation was ready.
" I am sure glad about that coal strike".
" Why is that?".
" Because instead of being on the Lusitania, we will be traveling on the most beautiful ship afloat today".
" The Titanic".
" Yes let's go". They walked out of the hotel lobby hand in hand. " I can't wait to see it".

research help: ' Queen of the Waves' by Janice Thompson

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

betrayer page 1

betrayer page 1 by ric gustafson

I was helping my mother at home when my Father burst into the house. " Herod the king is dead". The look on his face was serious.
" Get the others, we are going to pack up and leave at once".
" But why Father?".
" No questions, quickly just do it".
By nightfall, with our belongings we bribed a guard to let us out the city gate.
By the next day, we were far from Jerusalem our home.
" Father, will we be coming back for Passover?". I enjoyed the yearly buying of our lamb and bringing it to the Temple priests.
" No Judas, God calls us to Galilee".
That night before falling asleep, my brother Joshua whispered something to me.
" Herod is not dead, that was just a rumor".
" But Father said". Just then, Father came into the room.
" Judas, you need your sleep".
" Father, please tell me again where my name came from". He sat down next to me.
" You are named because of two famous men".
" Who is that Father?".
" A teacher named Judas bar Sepphoraeus and a warrior named Judas Maccabee".

research help: ' Iscariot' by Tosca Lee

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Bambi page 2

Bambi page 2 by ric gustafson

It was summer and all the colors of the forest were out. Flowers from the shrubs and bushes were red, white and yellow. The leaves on the trees smelled fresh and voices from birds filled the sky.
Bambi walked beside his mother through bushes that had thick foliage. He was very inquisitive and was always asking his mother questions.
" Mother, where are we going?".
" To spend time with other deer".
" What are deer?".
" My dear son, you and I are deer".
" Are we the only ones?".
" No". She looked at her son with love. " There are many of us".
" I don't see anyone else".
" You will". They kept walking down the trail.
" Mother, who made this trail".
" We did my son". They walked up to the top of the trail and then stopped.
" Mother, where are we?".
" Look down Bambi".
He peered over the edge. " What is that Mother?".
" A meadow".

research help: ' Bambi, a life in the woods' by Felix Salten

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Saturday, March 2, 2013

First Century kitchen page 6

First Century kitchen page 6 by ric gustafson

Bread was the heart of a first century diet. It was made every day and eaten at every meal. It was the most important food of bible times. Every household had someone to make their daily bread. It was made every day except on the Sabbath. Most homes had bread ovens and it was community bread ovens. Before bread ovens, dough was placed on a flat rock and covered with hot coals. At one point, the bread was turned and the coals were replaced. Bread was used as an eating utensil and as a napkin.
Common folk ate bread made from barley. Wealthy farmers and merchants ate bread from wheat. Only the wealthiest families ate white bread from wheat flour. Bread was large and flat.  Bread was a symbol of life when Jesus said give us this day our daily bread. Bread was also a symbol of hospitality and was used at feasts and banquets. Sharing food with guests and strangers was an important part of first century life. Breaking bread with others was a sign of worship and hospitality.

research help: ' The Food and Feasts of Jesus' by Douglas Neel and Joel Pugh

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Veronica page 2

Veronica page 2 by ric gustafson

I looked out the window of the house and saw the procession coming. I knew why it was coming and where it was going. I knew the condemned man being led to the Skull. It was the Rabbi who healed me of my bleeding.
As I stared out the window, I saw him fall from the weight of the crossbeam he was carrying. I felt compassion because he did not look the same as I had seen him before. His face look bloodied and his back looked like it was torn up.
I decided to take a risk. I picked up a cloth, ran out the door and up to the Rabbi. He had fallen again from the pain and exhaustion. I kneeled down and wiped the blood from his face.
The Rabbi looked at me and thanked me with his loving eyes.
The soldiers were stunned at this sudden act of kindness. One of the soldiers pushed me to the edge of the sidewalk. " Woman, get out of the way".
I walked back into the house and then the procession started up again.
I held the bloody cloth and cried into the night.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Friday, March 1, 2013

our daily bread store page 2

our daily bread store page 2 by ric gustafson

With anger in her eyes, Fran stared across Highway 86. " What nerve of that woman".
" I thought you told me she used to be your best friend" her grandson George replied as he buttered a slice of fresh baked white bread.
" When we were kids" she replied in a sarcastic tone of voice. " We stopped being friends when she and her family became christians".
" Why are you so angry?".
" The nerve of that woman for opening a bread store across the street from my dream business".
" I wouldn 't worry about her".
" And why not?".
" Your store is established and your sales are better than we ever thought possible".
Even with the encouragement from her grandson, anger and rage filled her thoughts as she stared across the highway. The nerve of that Wilma Anderson.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

Veronica page 1

Veronica page 1 by ric gustafson

I was in a large crowd that surrounded the Rabbi. I was not in a very good mood because I hurt from this bleeding inside me. The bleeding had been going on for twelve years and always makes me feel miserable. For years, doctors have tried to help me and I've spent all of my money. I keep hoping it will get better but it actually gets worse. I had heard about the Rabbi and the miracles that he performs. I thought that maybe he could heal me.
I walked up behind him to touch his cloak when a synagogue ruler walked up to him and asked him a question.
" My little daughter is dying" he said as tears flowed down his face. " Please come and put your hands on her so that she can be healed". The ruler's name was Jairus.
The Rabbi turned to leave with him when I decided to do what I felt I had to do. I stood behind the Rabbi and touched the fringe of his cloak. Immediately, the horrible bleeding inside of me felt like it had finally stopped.
The Rabbi turned around. " Who touched my clothes?".
One of his followers replied. " You see the people crowding against you and yet you can ask who touched me".
I tried to melt into the crowd as the Rabbi looked around to see who had done it. He looked right at me and I knew that I could not hide. I fell at his feet and told him the whole story.
He smiled at me with love in his eyes. " Daughter, your faith has healed you, go in peace and be freed from your suffering".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric