Wednesday, February 29, 2012

the water of life page 3

the water of life page 3 by ric gustafson

Brett saw the mile sign. " Only 15 miles to go".
" We have not formally introduced ourselves".
" Sorry" he said as he turned up the radio. " I'm Brett Rowson".
" People call me J. C.".
" Nice to meet you". Brett looked around the car as if he was looking for something. " I'm really thirsty".
" I have two bottles of water in my bag" J.C. said as he noticed the 12 mile sign. " You can have one of them". He took two bottles out of his fanny pack and unscrewed the top on one. He handed it to Brett.
" Thanks". He lifted the bottle and deeply drank. He saw the 7 mile sign. He drank deeply again. " Only seven miles".
J.C. grinned as he sipped from his bottle.
For six miles, both drank in silence.
Brett saw the 1 mile sign. " One mile". He handed the now empty water bottle to J.C.. " Thank you for the water".
" You are welcome Brett".

End of Chapter 1

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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