Monday, February 13, 2012

three wishes page 7

three wishes page 7 by ric gustafson

Harlan closed the phone and rubbed the lamp. His cell phone rang again. He opened it. " This is Harlan Bergmann".
" Harlan, this is your financial advisor Mark Moho".
" Hi Mark" was his reply as he threw the lamp against a wall.
" I'm sorry to tell you this Harlan" said the voice as it cracked. " The stock that you put that money into is not doing good and you are going to lose a lot of it".
" What!" Harlan screamed as he picked up the battered lamp. " I'll be in touch Mark".
Clutching the lamp, Harlan walked down the attic steps and then walked out to his Tahoe.
He drove off and thought to himself how he could get rid of the lamp.
He stopped at a light and noticed a church on a corner of Wayward Street.
He turned right and drove into the driveway of the church.
Harlan stopped the Tahoe, got out and threw the battered lamp into the church's large trash bin.

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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