Saturday, February 11, 2012

three wishes page 5

three wishes page 5 by ric gustafson

Greg walked into the kitchen and put the mail on the kitchen table. " Here is the mail Dad".
Harlan opened the white colored dishwasher to start putting the clean kitchen dishes away. " Anything interesting in the mail?".
Greg began to look through them when one made him stop. He opened the envelope and took out a piece of paper. " Dad, this one is from the Police Department".
" What does it say?".
As Greg read it, a smile came to his face. " Dad, do you remember that sack of money you found while you were walking at Ginger Park?".
Harlan sighed. " Yes I do, I had to turn it in".
" This letter says that no one has claimed the money, the time to claim it has expired, the money is ours".
Harlan smiled as he hugged his son. " How much is it?".
" Ten thousand dollars".
" We learned in investment class that it is wise to invest in the stock market".
" Ok".
Just then, Harlan thought about the magic lamp.
He was already thinking about his third wish.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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