Saturday, February 11, 2012

three wishes page 6

three wishes page 6 by ric gustafson

Harlan rubbed the lamp. As he rubbed it, he noticed that the blue fog was not coming out. " Come on" he said out loud as frustration started in his voice.
His cell phone rang. He opened it. " This is Harlan Bergmann".
" Harlan, this is Frank Miller".
Harlan kept rubbing the lamp. " Hi, Mr Miller".
" Are you ok Harlan?".
" Yes, Mr Miller" he said as he kept rubbing the lamp. " Something at home is really frustrating me at the moment".
" Harlan, I have some bad news".
" What is that Sir?".
" I'm sorry Harlan but this decision is out of my control" the voice hesitated. " The Board of Directors are considering Andrea Gold for President of the company".
" What!" Harlan yelled as he kept rubbing the lamp.
" I'm sorry Harlan".

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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