Wednesday, February 15, 2012

just passing through page 3

just passing through page 3 by ric gustafson

Darrin put on his heavy black gloves and opened up the cold garage door. It looked like several inches of snow had fallen and he had a long tiring job ahead of him. He got the shovel and started down the middle of the driveway. As he stopped at the edge of the driveway, he noticed the Green's house and could not believe his eyes. Their was a red and white For Sale sign on the edge of the Green's lawn. He noticed a lady was getting out of a car and putting brochures into the sign. He put the shovel down and walked along the curb toward her.
" Hello" she said as she looked up to see Darrin coming toward her. " Are you interested in seeing the house?".
" Actually I'm their next door neighbor" he said as he straightened his gloves. " I was curious as to wether they had moved out or not".
" Yes they have" she replied as she dusted the snow off of the sign. " They told me they were just passing through".
" I asked him what he mean't by just passing through".
" Walker told me that he and his wife were only going to be here a short time".
Darrin shook his head in confusion and walked back to his driveway. As he shoveled, he began to ponder the events that had just occurred.

The End- dedicated to Tom E

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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