Saturday, February 18, 2012

the Prodigal Son 2012 page 4

the Prodigal Son 2012 page 4 by ric gustafson

I walked into my office and tiredly sat down. I closed my eyes to relax and my mind wondered to the events of the last two years.
My youngest son, Joseph has been gone for two years now. He called yesterday to tell me that he had spent all of his inheritance money and wanted to come home. He had found a job on a pig farm and was shoveling slop to hogs. He told me he got so hungry at times that the slop was starting to look inviting.
I love Joseph so much and I hope that he does come home. For two years now, I've wondered if I made the right decision to let him go on his own. Joseph did not finish high school and had a lot of problems. I thought if I would let him be by himself for awhile that he would decide on his own to straighten himself out.
My wife passed away early in my son's lives, so it was up to me to raise them. I built my plant from the ground up and I am proud of it. Even with the long hours, I still had time for my sons and their activities.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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