Monday, February 13, 2012

the Prodigal Son 2012 page 1b

the Prodigal Son 2012 page 1b by ric gustafson

Dad would always come home from work and the three of us would eat together and talk. Jeff would listen intently as Dad talked about the plant. I would listen but frankly I could care less about the plant. I told Dad about my cool friends and the awesome car I had just fixed up.
When I started high school, I got involved with kids who started me down the wrong path. I started taking drugs, drinking and my school grades really suffered. My father naturally was upset but tried to get me the help I needed. Jeff got good grades in high school and in his senior year, began to work at the plant. When I started 11th grade, my drinking and drug problems got worse and I was skipping a lot of classes.
Jeff graduated from high school with honors and was enjoying working for my Dad at the plant. The plant was doing well and Dad was establishing investments for both Jeff and I.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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