Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Veronica by ric gustafson

I was in a large crowd that surrounded the Rabbi. I was not in a very good mood because I hurt from this bleeding going on inside me. This bleeding has been going on for twelve years and always makes me feel miserable. For years, doctors have tried to help me and I've spent all my money. I keep hoping my bleeding would get better but it actually got worse. I had heard about the Rabbi and the miracles he had performed. I thought maybe he could heal me.
I walked up behind him to touch his cloak when a synagogue ruler walked up to the Rabbi and asked him a question.
" My little daughter is dying, please come and put your hands on her so that she can be healed". The ruler's name was Jairus.
The Rabbi turned to go with him when I decided to do what I felt I had to do. I stood behind the Rabbi and touched the fringe of his cloak. Immediately, the horrible bleeding inside of me felt like it had finally stopped.
The Rabbi turned around. " Who touched my clothes?".
His followers replied ' you see the people crowding against you and yet you can ask who touched me".
As the Rabbi looked around to see who had done it, I tried to melt into the crowd. He looked right at me and I knew I could not hide. I fell at his feet trembling and told him the whole story.
" Daughter, your faith has healed you, go in peace and be freed from your suffering".
I looked out the window of the house and saw the procession coming. I knew why it was coming and where it was going. I knew that the condemned man being led to the Skull to be crucified was the Rabbi who healed me of my bleeding. As I stared out the window, I saw the Rabbi fall from the weight of the cross. The procession stopped right in front of my house. I felt compassion because the Rabbi did not look the same as he had before. His face was bloodied, his back appeared torn up and he kept falling. I decided to take a risk.
I picked up a cloth, ran out the door and up to the Rabbi. He had fallen again from the pain and exhaustion. I kneeled in front of him and wiped the blood from his face. The soldiers were stunned and astonished at this sudden act of kindness. Before the soldiers could react, the Rabbi looked at me and thanked me with his eyes.
" Woman, get out of the way" said one of the soldiers as he pushed me to the edge of the narrow sidewalk. I walked back into the house as the slow procession headed on it's way. I held the bloody cloth and cried into the night.

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric.

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