Tuesday, February 7, 2012

three wishes page 4

three wishes page 4 by ric gustafson.

" I'm going over to Robbie's house" Greg said as he put his high school jacket on. " I'll be back by dinner".
Harlan heard the garage door close and then he walked upstairs to the small kitchen. ' Should I' he thought as he got a drink of water from the sink. " Why not" he said to himself as he smiled.
He walked up the carpeted steps to the upstairs landing and then pulled out the attic steps.
He climbed the dusty steps to the attic floor. He saw the old black trunk in the corner and walked over to it. He slowly opened it and pulled out the lamp.
He carefully held it with one hand and with the other, slowly rubbed it. A blue fog began to come out.
" What is your wish?" said a strange voice.
Harlan thought for a moment. " My wish is for more wealth".

Everyone take care. Love Ric

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