Saturday, February 11, 2012

just passing through page 2

just passing through page 2 by ric gustafson.

Darrin drove the brown Tahoe into the double garage driveway, got out, opened the trunk and took out his golf clubs. He enjoyed playing with his friends every Saturday morning and today was no exception. As he put his clubs away, he noticed his new neighbor, Walker Green working on his fall leaves and bagging them up. He walked over as he started to wash off his green mower. " Good afternoon Walker".
" Hello Darrin" was the reply as he turned off the nozzle. " I've been trying to keep this lawn kept up".
" You are doing a great job". He glanced at the house. " I love the new roof and the new paint job".
" Thanks" Walker exclaimed as he flipped the green mower over to it's side and began to spray the bottom of it. " We're trying to do as much as we can in the short time we are here".
" What do you mean a short time?".
" My wife and I are going to be here for just a short time" he said as he turned off the nozzle and put the mower back up. " We are just passing through".
" What do you mean just passing through?".
Darrin heard his wife's voice. " Darrin, can you please come in?".
" Walker, I wanted to ask if you and Joyce wanted to come over to a barbecue tonight with some of our friends".
" Thank you for the invitation" Walker said as he tied up a grass clipping bag. " But I think my wife and I will stay home and have a quiet evening".

research help: ' The Spirit of Happiness' by T Byram Karasu

Peace and God's blessings. Love Ric

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