Saturday, December 31, 2011

Horatio's lucky penny page 6

Horatio's lucky penny page 6 by ric gustafson.

Horatio was sitting at a small table in his study and was eating his usual breakfast of bacon, eggs, toast and juice. He always watched the stock market channel on TV as he ate to see how his Johnson Financial Group stock was doing. As he ate, he noticed that already the numbers for his stock were in the red and the price was going down.
He dialed the number for his stock advisor on his cell phone. " Mark, what's going on with the stock numbers?".
" Horatio, I heard that there might be a major shakeup as far as Johnson Financial Group" his friend replied in a tired voice. " There is talk of an accounting scandal which right now is driving down the price". " I will keep you informed as the day goes on".
As the day went on, the stock price for Johnson Financial Group went lower and lower.
Horatio's cell phone rang.
" Horatio, this is Mark" he said in a scared tone of voice. " You need to sell part of your stock before it's too late".
Horatio stared at the lucky penny plaque on the wall. " My lucky penny has convinced me to keep all my stock and not sell".
" Horatio, you are making a huge mistake" his friend exclaimed as he pleaded. " All your stock is in one fund portfolio and you will lose everything".
As the afternoon wound down, Johnson Financial Group fell to an all time low. Horatio keot staring at his lucky penny plaque for hope and comfort.
His cell phone rang.
" I'm sorry Horatio" his friend said quietly as Horatio stared out a window. " I tried to get you to sell in time but you lost everything".
In disgust, he slammed shut his cell phone, picked up the lucky penny plaque and smashed it into a million pieces.
December of that year,
An employee of Dominick's walked out the back door into the frigid night and walked over to the green trash dumpster. As he threw in two sacks of garbage, he noticed a man standing over the grate trying to stay warm.
With a sad look on his face, Horatio spread his arms over the grate and tried to warm his cold tired bones.

The End- dedicated to Tom E.

To those who read my writing in 2011, Thank you and Happy New Year. Love Ric

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